The Czech Pavilion in Osaka, Japan lights up glass

by time news

The glass structure in the shape of a spiral will represent the Czech Republic at the world exhibition EXPO 2025 in Osaka. One of the most prestigious cultural and business platforms in the world will return to Japan after 55 years.

Among the 38 proposals, the organizers of the architectural-design competition, which are the Office of the General Commissioner and the architectural office of CCEA MOBA, caught the attention of the project from the architectural studio Apropos Architects in cooperation with the architect Tereza Šváchová and the Lunchmeat studio.

The second place was taken by studio A69 – architects, and the third place was occupied by the Liberec studio Mjölk.

Defense against Japan

A seven-member expert committee headed by architect Eva Jiřična decided on the best proposals. “I was incredibly pleased with the unprecedented interest in the architectural competition and the number of proposals submitted. This is evidenced by the positive perception of the EXPO world exhibition and its prestige. In my opinion, the three concepts have a great chance to appeal to and interest Japanese visitors,” says Ondřej Soška, ​​general commissioner of the Czech participation in EXPO 2025, as one of the jury members.

He will now start negotiating with the winner about the parameters and conditions of the contract. “If for any reason we do not reach an agreement, we will continue negotiations with the second and possibly the third in order,” adds O. Soška.

Source: Expo 2025

The facade is designed from sheet sintered glass.

The designs of the individual pavilions go to Japan, where they have to be processed by the local architectural office. The contract should be signed by the end of March, followed by a two-round permitting procedure in Japan. Here it is necessary to present and defend the project to the local authorities and obtain a building permit.

“If everything goes well, we should have a construction permit during October, when we will start working intensively on the preparation of the tender documents for the public contract for the contractor,” notes the general commissioner. The public order should start to be implemented later this year, so that the pavilion on the site can be completed by the beginning of 2025 at the latest.

The brilliance of glass

The concept and theme for the Czech national team is called Talent and creativity for life. The authors of the project incorporated into the appearance of the building elements that describe the Czech tradition of craft glass processing.

The facade of the building will thus consist of panel sintered glass, when the glass is clear from the bottom upwards, sandblasted below and only clean panels remain at the top.

“The use of glass logically fit both the theme of the EXPO world exhibition and our chosen theme of vitality. As a society, we will live into old age in full force. To strengthen inner vitality, we also need to be aware of social and cultural values, constantly reminding ourselves and strengthening them. Therefore, a pavilion made of wood and glass,” explains the concept of the winning design, architect Nikoleta Slováková from the Apropos Architects studio.

Visibility was the main priority for the jury. “Before you find out that it is a Czech pavilion, something must interest you,” says its president. “The proposal won because we said to ourselves that shining with Czech glass or something that represents this country is the way we would like to go in Japan,” adds E. Jiřičná.

Money from the government is not enough

The Czech pavilion, which will be represented by a glass spiral, will have to attract mainly Japanese visitors. They should make up more than 80 percent of the total audience participation at the exhibition.

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