More than 20,000 people protest in Madrid against abortion

by time news

The demonstration was called by the Sí a la Vida platform, made up of more than 500 associations, with the only political support in parliament being the far-right party Vox

Oscar DEL POZO CAÑAS / AFPSi a la vida, march against abortion in Madrid, Spain

About 23,000 people, according to official data, demonstrated this Sunday, 12, in the center of Madrid, in the Spain“in favor of life from its beginning to its natural end” and to reject the abortion, which is legal in the country. The demonstration was called by the platform Yes to lifemade up of more than 500 associations, with the only parliamentary political support being the far-right party Vox. Participants carried banners with photos of human fetuses and messages such as “Listen to the heartbeat, I tell you I’m alive”, “The voice of the heart” or “No mother regrets being”. Speaking to EFE, the president of the Spanish Federation of Pro-Life Associations, Alicia Latorre, declared that the Spanish law on abortion “takes away the rights of the unborn and leaves mothers more abandoned”. Asked whether she considers voluntary termination of pregnancy feasible in cases such as rape, Latorre opined that abortion “never resolves the trauma”, but “adds one more”. Therefore, “special solutions” must be sought, but “never take life” or “abandon the woman”, she added. Last February, the Spanish Constitutional Court approved the term law in force since 2010, which allows free abortion as a “right” during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. Days later, the majority of the left in Parliament approved a reform to eliminate the need for parental consent to be able to abort at 16 and 17 years old and guarantee the voluntary termination of pregnancy in public health.

*With information from EFE

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