National Workshop “From Martí to Fidel: the Press” is held in Santiago de Cuba

by time news

With the conviction that in the midst of difficulties the ideas of the Apostle of the Independence of Cuba and the eternal Commander-in-Chief gain special validity, the National Workshop “From Martí to Fidel: the Press” held its sessions at the headquarters of the union newspaper in Santiago de Cuba.

The event began with a keynote address given by Dr.C. Manuel Pevida Pupo, vice president of the Honorary Chair for the study of the thought and work of Fidel Castro Ruz, where aspects related to the journalistic work of the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution and his reflections on the press were addressed.

The dissertation aroused several interventions from those present, particularly regarding the validity of these ideas, especially in such complex moments for the nation, where a greater level of commitment and knowledge is needed, not only on the part of media professionals, but also by those who should ally with them for the use of the press as an instrument for reflection, analysis and solution of various problems with greater citizen participation.

During the conference, the results of the analysis of the juries on the journalistic works presented, made up of representatives of the UPEC, the “José Martí” Cultural Society and the Chair of the Universidad de Oriente dedicated to the study of thought, were also announced. and the work of Fidel Castro.

The analyzes led to granting, in Written Press, the first place to the work The irrepressible passion for the truth, by Reinaldo Cedeño Pineda and the second in the series of works on Fidel by Odalis Riquenes Cutiño. All the awarded materials in this category were published this year in the Juventud Rebelde newspaper.

In Radio, the first place went once again to Reinaldo Cedeño Pineda, from Siboney, for Martin and the music while the second and third were for The story of a rebel by Eudis Cabrera Luis, from 8SF and The dwarf princes: faithful to Martí, to Fidel and to History, of Yailen Aguilar Rodriguez, CMKC.

While in Television the first position was occupied by Gretchen Gómez González, from Tele Turquino, with Three characteristics of Fidel; the second, Rosalina Tamayo Araño from Palma TV con Pionero Palmero promotes the work of José Martí and receives the Ismaelillo Prize and the third, Yadira González Otero from Tele Turquino with ICAP in Santiago de Cuba pays homage to Martí.

This event, which is part of the activities of the Day for the Press Day in Santiago de Cuba, evaluates each year the best works related to the two heroes of Cuban independence, promoting the works on the validity and importance of their thought. .

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