A month and a half before his death: the shocking will that the 18-year-old wrote

by time news

On the second day of Adar Shabbat evening, the holy part of Titzvah – Remember, the important young man Shlomo Gershoni, late of Modi’in Ilit and the students of the ‘Etar Shlomo’ Yeshiva, passed away. He was laid to rest on Shabbat Eve in Jerusalem, and the family members sat for seven, where the comforters were exposed to the will that he wrote during his sick days in the hospital, a will Like a great person who never leaves a dry eye.

The will of the late Shlomo Gershoni was written inLight 66 Tevet 5th 5th century – with subsequent corrections, the late deceased, who was completely steeped in Torah, writes shocking things and asks to do for the good of his soul.

“All that is written here is written if I die in a short time in days and years in the manner seen now or if I die in another way if there is no proof of the body of the will, there is no opening in what is written here for the calamities of the will but only on the above-mentioned side, and even a sword A sharp point is placed on a person’s neck, let him not prevent himself from mercy. And if there are changes that make certain things in the will irrelevant, it will be as if these things were not written at all.”

Matters of death:

A. If I die on unclean soil, I want to be buried in Israel, but there is a halachic problem with that.

B. Since it is written that the dead person is found during the obituaries, I would like to avoid exaggeration and nonsense, oh that shame. (Please note – I don’t know all of the Shas and it seems to me that I didn’t even pass a quarter of it, but much less, anyone who studied with me as a friend will testify to this. The legend was invented by my dedicated friends from YSHIK who wanted to pave my way to YSHIK. )

third. If possible, and if this will not result in the cancellation of the Torah indirectly, I would like to arrange consecutive shifts for study during the Shabbat days and after that the first three days.


A. To strive to act truthfully and honestly, both between man and his fellow man, between man and his creator, between man himself, and between man and his Talmud.

B. Pursue peace, and be very careful of personal quarrels on ideological grounds, because if there was a will from the Creator, you would have been born into the same community, sect, group, sect that you are fighting against, wouldn’t you then have held a different ideology. Therefore, we should love everyone who aims at heaven, and of course hate those who sin and do not aim at heaven. Of course, this does not contradict standing by the principles, and maybe even some arguments, but personal quarrels are not right.

third. Get stronger by studying continuously.

d. To try to sanctify the Sabbath from the days of the week, both by waiting for its arrival and not the other way around, God forbid, both by doing the Sabbath mitzvot for the sake of the Sabbath, and by rejoicing in it.

These requests are not a requirement, it just seems to me that it would be good if they were fulfilled.

To my father Mori Shalita: Thank you very much for everything and for all the support and encouragement during the difficult times, thank you for all the actions that were taken for my treatment. I ask that you do not be too sorry, after my death I will be well in Aza in heaven. Surely everything we do is good that cannot be better than it.

I ask for forgiveness for all the times I did not respect you properly, please, if possible, I ask that you reconcile and forgive me both immediately and after the entire mourning period.

If possible, I would be happy if you would study on the thirtieth day and read the customary Mishniyim, since I did not leave behind a Zhak.

To my mother Morti 331: I will ask you not to be saddened more than I am, because after my death it will be good for me in Heaven with all the righteous, and it is no different than sending me to a far away place where I will not see you or talk to you, but there I will be exalted in the Torah of G-d. E. And really, if I was sent to a lesser number of years than the others, it is not bad at all, and why should we be sad that we live less than a certain animal, or that an unknown animal has done more than him in a certain field, such as giving birth to thousands of children when we only get a few children compared to her?! Here I am like another creature that has a way to live fewer years than humans or has no way to give birth to children. And it seems to me with great certainty that if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have reached where I am at all, without the shaking after churches with the help of women where I could pray, without the joy you had at all my success in Haydar and yeshiva, without the tears I saw, I wouldn’t have invested even close to what I invested. And also the right of your prayers and your tears for my success in the Torah and fear of God must have made me succeed in what I did. And when you come to heaven after a hundred and twenty, your reward will surely be endless.

I have to return: a. A package of sitting masks, b. Lord for the “Nar David” GMC in the yeshiva, 3. A book by Rabbi Wachtfogel (it seems to me) about Elul and the Rabbi for a small yeshiva, 4. check if I/we have other people’s books (reading or studying), e. I owe a certain amount of money (I think it’s fifty NIS) for the congregation’s “get together” meeting between times following a mistake in paying for a trip, I’m asking if it’s possible to hurry up and sort out the above things as soon as possible. In any case, I certainly have the right to contribute to the school meeting or to Kollel Biah “G. Stand up for me. Thank you very much.

With my savings (they are in a black wallet in the safe) use if possible for good things according to your understanding.

I ask your forgiveness for all the times I did not respect you properly and as a mitzvah of me, please, if you can, try to reconcile and forgive me both immediately, and after the confusion of mourning and branching out.

To the members of my immediate family (father, mother, David Naftali, Bracha, Binyamin, Dina, Israel, Tehila, Leli, Eti, Shari, Elhanan, Tamar, Yehuda, Shloimi, Racheli…): I thank you for all the times you have stood by me, From the day I was born until now, and in particular for all the help, the support, the encouragement, the listening ear, the yellow and black humor, the help to my mother so that she could take care of my medical affairs, the shifts, the sabbaticals, the visits, the joy and the sweet love with all the souvenirs, the beautiful white hairs, etc., etc. ‘, during my sick periods. The sheet will of course be shorter than starting to detail. I love you, and even there I will (probably…) continue to love you, your support at all times helped me overcome difficulties that arose, and pains, and moments of sadness.

I ask for your sincere forgiveness for any sorrow that comes to you because of me, directly or indirectly, mentally, physically and financially. If possible, it would be good if you apologized by mouth both immediately and after all the sorrow and grief and excitement, in settling the mind.

I wholeheartedly forgive all kinds of sorrows that have been caused to me (even after the time of writing the will), directly or indirectly, in body and soul, anything really, and all kinds of qualms of conscience (if only I would smile, save, help, do, etc., etc. Surely he would have lived healthy and whole, fertile and fresh, until the age of three hundred…) are not useful for anything.

I ask and beg you, please, please, not to blame anyone, not the hospitals, not the happy people, not anyone from the family, God forbid, and not anyone else, for the death or for the fact that it happened at this particular time. (If there was clear and proven medical negligence, which would certainly be admissible in a court that discusses such matters (you can ask grandfather), and according to the Halacha they were forbidden to behave as they did, you can blame, but not talk about it until two months after the death.) There is nothing to it benefit, and it only destroys and corrupts the soul, and diverts the person from the right way to deal with death. (It is clear to me that if after the Miron disaster there had not been a search for the guilty, the shock would have caused much greater reinforcements than there were.) Please, please, I am really asking in every language of request to be careful of this like fire, and if on Shabbat or on any other occasion someone tells you about someone that he is guilty, please inform him of this request. Many thanks in advance.

I would like to try very hard not to sink into grief, God forbid. Everything that happens in the world is good, and just as we do not understand how the mind works, etc., there is no reason for us to understand why a person gets sick or dies.

If the father’s birth will be after thirty, and there will be no problems or delays or anything preventing it, it seems to me that it would be good for you to go on vacation for two days together out of brotherhood and family reunification. If there might be damage, it is better not to go. only, and therefore it seems to me that the “commandment to observe the words of the dead” does not belong in it. If so, it will be as if it was not written, but so do it. In any case, don’t feel obligated to a will.

If you can, it would be good if you strengthened yourself in some way that would be for the upliftment of my soul, and if there is someone who allowed me to go to the beginning (if according to the Halacha it is better not to, and only because of the “mitzvah to keep the words of the dead” you should do it, it will be as if I did not ask at all), and if it does not cause For unpleasantness, let him say Kaddish over me (maybe also from the extended family or someone else responsible). Thank you.

To the members of the extended family: Thank you for all the prayers, reinforcements and actions that were taken for my treatment, which surely helped me to live until this time, thank you to all those who do the shifts (or anyone who wanted to do a shift and didn’t, it’s up to him as if he did), with devotion, in more convenient times And less, in light of face, with interest, in filling the time so that I won’t get bored in various ways, with food and sweets. Thank you very much. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart to the family members who gave up the one who did the shift for me. Thank you to everyone who shed their blood and dedicated their time so that I would receive the best medical treatment, Thank you to those who worked for the cause. Thank you to everyone who helped my mother to help me. Thank you for everything.

If possible, I ask all the family members to forgive me if there was any injury to the body, soul or money, even if they do not remember at the moment or did not know about it at all, both immediately and after the mourning is over.

If possible, I want them to be strengthened for the ascension of my soul in any way, either together or individually. Thank you.

To my brothers and sisters of the Holy Yeshiva, the Crown of Solomon may they live: I have no way to express even a little of my appreciation for everything you did for me, both during my illness and before it, and in particular for all the prayers and reinforcements in every matter that were done for my healing, one of which is more and one of which is less, it is clear to me that without all of this I would not be Prolonged to live so long despite all the opportunities I could have died in before. Also a big thank you to everyone who visited (or wanted to visit…) me and made my heart very happy, and to the friendships that with great efforts came almost every day to study with me, besides the good feeling I got I was also privileged to learn even during the hospitalization a little of what you learned in the yeshiva, you will have this privilege forever. And in particular to all those who organized the prayers in the Rabbi’s and the Yok and the Simchat as well as the Simchat Beit HaShuava, to all those who joined it, and to all those who bothered and touched the arrangement of all matters May they be in the best way, and to those who pray, I don’t know what I would do these holidays alone in the hospital, there is no end to your reward. And to all those who bothered with many other matters: to keep the members of the Yeshiva informed of my condition, to arrange the order of visits, to help me in times of distress and in times of joy, I do not want to go into detail lest I be missed and out of jealousy, but there is no thank you enough for all the assistance, everyone knows how much he helped me or wanted to Help me, your reward will be paid from heaven. And if I missed someone, I thank him too.

I ask for forgiveness from everyone whom I have hurt in any way, or I have spoken to the sheriff or I have harmed physically or financially, and any kind of injury or sorrow, whether they know, whether they know, or whether they do not know, please and please, I beg your forgiveness even if I do not deserve forgiveness , if possible, all members of the yeshiva will say goodbye immediately and also after the end of the eulogies and excitement.

I am asking if it is possible to be strengthened in any way that will be for the uplifting of my soul, and in particular in a few things: a. Not to mention during the prayer, and in particular during the Mincha prayer on Shabbat, which has great value and is well known. B. Get stronger by studying continuously in any way. third. If it is possible to get stronger in keeping order (and on Friday-Saturday when the size of the study is known in them). d. If possible, try to strengthen yourself by studying morals properly, but within the framework of the yeshiva schedule on Sunday-Thursday. Thank you very much.

To all the helpers and helpers wherever they are, in organizations, in distributions, in bringing food, in support and encouragement, in assisting with technical or medical needs, in shifts, in passing the time, in hospitality abroad, and in any way: Thank you very much for all the help and assistance, without you I don’t know how we would manage at home The sick, on Saturdays, flying abroad and abroad, and in all matters. May your salary not be withheld. I have no words.

I ask for forgiveness if I have irritated or hurt you in any way, either directly or indirectly, physically, financially or mentally, if it is possible to apologize verbally, even if you do not know of any harm.

Thank you very much.

To the dear members of the Yehezkel St. community: Thank you very much for all the prayers and acceptances for my treatment, for all the help and assistance, support and encouragement and help with the little things, both before and during my illness.

If I hurt someone, I will ask for their forgiveness.

If it is possible to be strengthened by something for the elevation of my soul. Thank you.

To everyone who gets to know what is being written here from my yeshivah friends, a little Hamada Moshe: Thank you very much for everything, and for the help and encouragement and study and prayers during my first and second illness. Your reward will be paid from heaven.

If it is possible to dance with the mouth if I spoke to the guard or hurt in any way, body, mind or money directly or indirectly.

If it is possible to strengthen my soul in any way. Thank you.

To all my teachers and my teachers in Haydar, BISHIK, BISHIG, and beyond: thank you very much. I don’t feel comfortable admitting in meager words about all things, and that’s why I’ll be brief.

I ask for forgiveness from anyone who has been harmed by me in any way, either physically, mentally, or financially, directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly, or that I have spoken to the guard, or that I have sinned against him in any other way. .

To everyone who prayed for me or strengthened my healing in any way: I don’t know how to thank you for all the prayers and strengthenings that were made for my healing in all places and watched over me all the time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

If it is possible to continue to be strengthened for the ascension of my soul. Thank you.

I made sure not to contact private individuals other than members of my immediate family, since I cannot name for several understandable reasons all the private individuals who helped me more than anyone else, thank you very much to each of you.

In any case, if anyone sees himself hurt by my words or my lack of words here, I ask for his forgiveness.

If someone was in any relationship with me at any time and it is possible that he was hurt by me, I will ask him to forgive me. (If possible try to publish a little of this request unless there is a problem or difficulty in doing so.)

I am completely forgiven with all my heart for every sorrow that has been caused to me, both in body, in soul, and in money, in any way, even for the slander and giving a bad name, as well as the one who said I will sin against him and he will forgive me, both if I knew about it and if I didn’t , unless I have money with him that he will return to my mother. God bless you, God bless you, God bless you.

You can publish or not publish what you want from the will, but still there is a fear that someone will be hurt.

Shlomo Gershoni

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