Icen/Unilab opens registration (9 to 16/03) for selection of substitute professor in the study sector: General and Inorganic Chemistry

by time news

This Thursday (9), the Institute of Exact and Nature Sciences (Icen/Unilab) opens registrations, from 09 to 03/16, for the selection of one (01) Substitute Professor in the study sector: Chemistry General and Inorganic, with a master’s degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Engineering and Environment, Socio-biodiversity and sustainable technologies, or who have a line of research in that area, as Notice ICEN/Unilab No. 12/2023.

The remuneration for the position of Substitute Professor referred to in this Public Notice will be BRL 4,304.92, pursuant to Law No. 12,772/2012, as amended by Law No. 13,325/2016.

The qualified candidate will be hired for a fixed period of time, until the end of the temporary need for replacement, and this period may be extended for up to 02 (two) years, according to the needs of the interested Institute, in compliance with the requirements of Law 8.745, of 09 December 1993 and its amendments.

The period of validity of the Selection dealt with in this Notice will be 01 year, counted from the date of publication of the ratification of the Selection result in the DOU, extendable only once for the same period.


Applicants must send their application to the email ([email protected]). In SUBJECT, explain “Registration for Substitute Professor – ICEN – Notice No. 12/2023”. In the body of the e-mail, address the Board of the Institute, requesting registration.

The selection process, which will include curriculum evaluation, can only take place after 10 (ten) days from the date of publication of the public notice in the Official Gazette of the Union, in view of the provisions of Ordinance No. 243/2011/MEC, published in the DOU on 03.04. .2011.

Check the schedule of Notice No. 12/2023:

Further information on the Icen Substitute Teacher Contest page

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