Pension reform: what Olivier Marleix wants to achieve in a mixed parity commission

by time news

He is not a member of the Social Affairs Committee and should not, as such, have sat this Wednesday, March 15 on the Joint Joint Committee (CMP) within which fourteen parliamentarians will try to find a compromise on the project pension law. But Olivier Marleix, president of the LR group in the National Assembly, intends to personally represent his pivotal group during this discussion.

With a goal for the one who, from the start, believes that the right cannot fail to vote for a reform text that it has been carrying for years: to try to obtain the guarantee that any employee who integrates the “long career” system does not contribute more than 43 years. During discussions in the National Assembly, the Prime Minister had conceded this only for those who had started working at the age of 20. But as the bill stands, the effective contribution period is 44 years for those who started their activity at 14, 16 and 18 years old.

A project that represents five to six votes

An issue for which Olivier Marleix has already crossed swords during the first reading in the Assembly and which aims to try to secure the votes of the five to six relatives of Aurélien Pradié who had made this project the heart of their mobilization and the sine qua non of their vote. This handful of votes could make the difference in a vote that promises to be tight this Thursday in the Assembly…

Will the boss of the LR deputies have, on this thorny subject of long careers, the support of the elected representatives of the Macronist majority present on Wednesday in the CMP? If they want to ensure a majority in the solemn vote and thus avoid having to resort to 49.3 for the government, it is in their interest to make common cause with Marleix.

Moreover, the Horizons group had tabled an amendment to this effect at the very last moment of the examination of the text in the National Assembly in February. Olivier Marleix should not, on the other hand, specifically fight to maintain the “CDI seniors” created by the Senate. “It is a subject between the senators and the government, not ours”, estimates his entourage.

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