New delivery of Mecasermina, medicine for patients with Laron syndrome, arrived in Quito – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

Quito, March 13, 2023

To safeguard the integrity of patients diagnosed with Laron syndrome, the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) managed the supply and access to the drug Mecasermina. A new delivery whose investment is $136,640 arrived in Quito on Saturday, March 11, 2023.

224 doses will be used for the treatment of this type of congenital disease that prevents the normal growth of the person who suffers from it.

Laron syndrome is included in the list of catastrophic, rare or orphan diseases. It is a rare, inherited, autonomic recessive disease characterized by marked short stature due to the inability of cells to use growth hormone (GH).

Among the actions that precede this supply process is the approval for the use and commercialization of Mecasermin for the long-term treatment of growth disorders in children with severe primary deficiency of IGF-1 by the Food and Drug Administration of the States States (FDA) in 2005. In addition, the protocol for administration of the drug Mecasermina for patients between 2 and 12 years of age with Laron Syndrome issued by the MSP, as well as compliance with ruling No. 074-16-SIS-CC issued by the Constitutional Court.

In this sense, under the provisions of current legal regulations, the National Health Authority will promote mechanisms that allow patients suffering from these diseases access to medicines and special supplies for their treatment. To date, three deliveries have been managed. One in September 2022 for 128 vials and another in December of the same year for the amount of 128 vials.


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