What is the hantavirus, the disease has already caused a death in Bariloche

by time news

hantavirus It is a viral disease transmitted by rodents. The virus consists of a zoonosis (that is, a disease of animals that are transmitted to humans by direct contagion with the sick animal through some body fluid) produced by the RNA virus belonging to the Bunyaviridae family. The virus became relevant after in Bariloche the teacher Ana Natalia Ayala, 45 years old, died because of it. Also in Santa Fe The virus claimed a victim: a minor who began to have symptoms on February 13 and died on February 15 in the Recapture Hospital.

Hantavirus can lead to two serious clinical symptoms: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and the cardiopulmonary syndrome. In both cases, they are quite similar. At first, they may appear similar to the flu: fever, chills, muscle aches and headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain. In the case of hemorrhagic fever, symptoms may include abdominal and back pain, blurred vision, flushing of the face, red or swollen eyes, or skin rash. a skin rash, and then progress to low blood pressure, vascular leakage, or acute renal failure.

As the virus advances, depending on the type of disease to which it has derived, it can cause coughing up secretions, difficulty breathing, fluid buildup in the lungs, low blood pressure, and heart malfunction, making it a serious disease.

The virus is transmitted to people mainly through the aerosolization of viruses shed in the feces, urine, or saliva of rodents. When the virus is in the air it is easy to inhale, causing the infection. After inhaling the hantavirus, it reaches the lungs and begins to invade the capillaries, small blood vessels, eventually causing leaks. Later, the lungs fill with fluid, which can trigger all kinds of breathing problems.

There is no specific treatment for hantavirus, other than the supply of the antiviral drug Rivarbine. In cases of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, dialysis may be necessary. On the other hand, especially in pulmonary syndrome, ventilatory support with intubation and mechanical ventilation is usually necessary.

After the death of the minor, the Santa Fe Ministry of Health reported that “the territorial teams carried out blocking actions” and clarified that “to date, no people with symptoms compatible with hantavirus have been registered” nor have “cases of interhuman transmission in circulating genotypes in the province”, which is encouraging news for the province.

Meanwhile, in Bariloche, after the death of Ana Natalia Ayala, the Nahuel Huapi National Park He recommended entering closed places with a chinstrap, eye protection and gloves and ventilating at least 30 minutes before entering. He also advised cleaning the floors with water and bleach, leaving it to act for 30 minutes and wiping with a damp cloth to prevent particles from dispersing. This way of cleaning is effective in preventing the spread of the virus.

Other ways to prevent hantavirus are to get rid of cardboard boxes, papers, firewood or disused items that can serve as shelter for rodents; cover the containers where the garbage is placed, seal holes to prevent the passage of rodents and clean and disinfect the water tank every 6 months.

by RN

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