Cayambe received 101 anthropometric equipment – ​​Ministry of Public Health

by time news

Quito, March 13, 2023

15 first-level health establishments received the equipment

Cayambe joins the cantons that have received anthropometric equipment. In recent days, 101 devices were delivered, including: height rods, scales, infantometers, scales, and hemoglobinometers for the 15 first-level health establishments and the Cayambe Basic Hospital of the Zonal Coordination 2 of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP).

These teams will support the intramural and extramural work carried out by the staff to strengthen comprehensive health care. In the same way, they will improve the control and monitoring of pregnant women, the growth and development of boys and girls from birth. In addition, hemoglobinometers will support the timely detection and prevention of anemia.

So far in 2023, in the parishes of the Cayambe canton (Olmedo, Ayora, Cangahua, Otón, Juan Montalvo Azcásubi, Santa Rosa de Cuzubamba), there have been 1,807 cares for children under two years of age.

Renzo Vásconez, district director, highlighted the importance of these instruments to strengthen the Comprehensive Health Care Teams (EAIS) who carry out community search actions for the early recruitment of pregnant women and children. In addition, he highlighted primary health care to prevent pathologies during the pregnancy period and the first years of life.

The development of training days for health personnel is also planned to reinforce the proper management of these teams, in addition to giving continuity to the actions implemented for the prevention and reduction of chronic child malnutrition, as well as the delivery of the prioritized package and promotion of health.

To provide timely care, it is essential to carry out actions that strengthen the first level of health care. The MSP has made an investment of more than 3.5 million in anthropometric equipment and hemoglobinometers at the national level as fundamental strategies to reduce and prevent chronic child malnutrition in Ecuador.



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