90 year old Lakshmi running farm stay business with her 75 year old daughter

by time news

Even at the age of 90, Lakshmi Ammal is not afraid of working hard. He along with his 72-year-old daughter started ‘Waksana Farm Stay’ near Chennai only last year.

At the age of 90, Lakshmi Ammal of Chennai, working day and night with full enthusiasm, is inspiring people to live life to the fullest. Her grandson Kiruba says that for one and a half years, his grandmother’s desire to live has increased and her age has stopped. This is because a year and a half ago, he started an excellent farm stay business in his ancestral fields.

Lakshmi Ammal runs this business along with her daughter Kasturi Sivaraman, who is supported by her grandson Kiruba. Here, guests are served cuisine made from fresh and organic ingredients grown on the farm and enjoy a relaxing moment away from the city.

But above all, people come here and fall in love with the courage of the mother-daughter duo and their warm-hearted nature. In the age when people usually live life free from responsibilities, at that age, he has started a new work, which is an example in itself.

In fact, Lakshmi lost her husband about 38 years ago, after which her sons used to cultivate their ancestral land. But he also lost both his sons 25 years ago. After this, both the happiness from Lakshmi’s life and the harvest from the fields disappeared.

Lakshmi with her daughter Kasturi

It was the most difficult time of his life. It was not at all easy for Lakshmi, just a third pass, to take up the responsibility of the house. He had to sell some part of his ancestral land and livestock to meet his expenses. But he slowly went out and started working. Sometimes he made candles, sometimes he did the work of cooking.

A few years ago, when Lakshmi’s grandson advised her to use her remaining land, Lakshmi had no idea that it could be used for something other than agriculture. So initially she was a bit hesitant, but the strong-willed Lakshmi decided to listen to her grandson and started building a small farm stay on her land that was lying idle.

Lakshmi and Kasturi do all the work together, from designing this farm stay to planning the menu for the guests with organic vegetables. While his grandson handles social media and marketing.

Even after facing many troubles in life, Lakshmi did not stop dreaming, even today she dreams of making this farm stay better and works hard day and night for it. To be face to face with his courage and kind heart, you must visit his farm once. There you will also get farm fresh food made by Amma.

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Editing: Archana Dubey

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