Governor of Nuevo León feeds his newborn with serum

by time news
  • On March 10, the governor of Nuevo León, Samuel García, became a father for the first time.
  • Through his social networks, he indicated that he feeds his newborn with serum.
  • Various pediatricians have immediately criticized this action because all babies must be exclusively breastfed during their first 6 months of life.

Feeding and caring for a newborn is very important because it is the basis for preventing a large number of diseases not only during childhood but also for adulthood. Therefore, a small detail committed by the Governor of Nuevo Leon, Samuel Garcia, It has generated a strong controversy among health professionals.

First of all, it is necessary to remember that the 35-year-old politician has been in charge of the entity since 2021. Since the beginning of his term, he has been criticized for his comfortable economic position. Although in part, thanks to his vision as an entrepreneur, he has achieved important agreements.

One of the biggest occurred a few days ago when Elon Musk confirmed the construction of a Gigafactory in the northern entity. The Tesla plant plans to leave an investment of 10 billion dollars for our country. For this reason, it is one of the largest projects due to all the economic benefits that it implies.

A serious mistake for new parents

Now, on a personal level, On March 10, the governor of Nuevo León became a father for the first time. In various publications on his social networks, he has taken the opportunity to show off his first-born Mariel.

The problem was generated with a particular photograph. With a photograph the politician mentions that He feeds his daughter who is barely a couple of days old with serum.

The image has immediately caused the outrage of various pediatricians such as Dr. David Barreto. The specialist published a video to show his point of view and invite other people to never make this mistake.


#lechematerna #lactancia

♬ original sound – Pediatrician Barreto

The pediatrician makes it clear that newborns should not be fed with serum, water or any other liquid. Exclusively they can only receive breast milk during their first six months of life and sometimes it can last longer.

The only liquid that all babies should receive

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to ensure the health and survival of children. However, almost two out of three children under one year of age are not exclusively breastfed for the first six months as recommended.

It emphasizes that breast milk is the ideal food for infants. It is safe and clean and contains antibodies that protect against many childhood diseases. In addition, it supplies all the energy and nutrients a child needs during the first months of life, and continues to provide up to half or more of a child’s nutritional needs during the second half of the first year, and up to a third during the second year. .

With this in mind, breastfed children show better performance on intelligence tests. They are also less likely to become overweight or obese and, later in life, to develop diabetes. Breastfeeding women also have a lower risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

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