ISSSTE doctors receive recycled uniforms from IMSS

by time news
  • During the first months of the pandemic, it was accused that thousands of Mexican hospitals did not offer PPE to their workers.
  • Through a video it was denounced that this 2023 the ISSSTE delivered recycled white coats that were actually from the IMSS.
  • The publication has generated a new debate because now elements of the Ministry of Health accuse that they do not even provide clothing.

In order for health professionals to be able to carry out their duties, it is essential that they receive the necessary medical uniforms. This is a support that all employers should offer their workers. The problem is that the quality of the garments is not optimal and sometimes even the doctors do not even receive them.

Mexican doctors work with meager salaries and without support

The clearest example occurred at the beginning of the pandemic. In multiple hospitals it was reported that the Health personnel did not obtain the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) necessary for the care of possible infected patients.

This serious situation lasted for months and caused the discomfort of thousands of workers. Most had to pay out of their salary to receive their scrubs. If it is considered that the income in this union is very low then the situation is doubly unfair.

For their part, some international media such as The Lancet indicated that this factor would be one of those responsible for the high number of doctors infected and deceased by Covid-19 in Mexico. Regardless of the aspects against them, they all had to continue their work in the hospitals, although they had to risk their own integrity.

Back to the present, through a video on social networks, an injustice has been denounced that the workers of the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (ISSSTE) have faced.

On an annual basis, each one must receive their respective medical uniforms provided by your Institution. The problem is that when you turn the white coats over, you can see that they were actually the property of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS). The video that confirms it immediately has become popular on social networks.

As a result of the above, it has been pointed out that it could be a case of diversion of resources. If so, it is a fairly serious crime in which the two main public health institutions in the country are involved.

Diversion of resources or a simple human error?

While another user indicates that judgments should not be made in advance. He mentions that everything could be generated by a human error of the company in charge of manufacturing medical uniforms. To compensate for the mistake in the tailoring, the only thing they did to avoid wasting fabric was to put the correct logo on the other side of the gowns.

For their part, within the comments of the publication there are more inconveniences on the part of the workers. Some items belonging to the The Ministry of Health (SSa) accuses that in their case they were given 3 meters of cloth and grocery vouchers so that they could send themselves to make their gowns.

On the other hand, an IMSS doctor denounced that during the last two years no one from the hospital for which she works has been issued medical uniforms. This is a serious accusation because on an annual basis the Institutions must provide this retribution to their elements.

Also read:

Mr. Bon, a Mexican company that manufactures unique medical uniforms

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