In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of April 27: The Plan is there (maimed) but nobody sees it. Recovery

by time news


Fontana’s Swiss money: Ubs has all the documents

Investigation. The Northern League governor has not yet delivered anything to the prosecutors. But the deeds of the accounts in Lugano are there: the bank keeps them until 2026

COVID-19. The third wave

Conte and Letta defend Hope “Enough propaganda on the virus”

Yellowish. The former prime minister against Salvini: “Choose whether to be on the side of those who blow the fire or those who try to put it out”


Rays for the encore focuses on civics and suburbs: support from the big names, but there is the platform node

Until a few weeks ago she was almost a separate person at home, but now Virginia Raggi has a queue at the door. In detail, M5S parliamentarians who want to support her and campaign for her, because the polls show that she is more competitive than more or less everyone thought, and in the base of the Movement she is still […]


Dbeibeh is half premier: in Benghazi the head remains Haftar

The prime minister’s visit to the East was canceled, his security team blocked by the general’s militia

The minutes

Case Grillo jr, one of the boys: “Sex with S., then I slept”

Corsiglia, among the four investigated for rape, parades

of Marco Grasso

“It’s not the arena”

Life is hard for those who dare to denounce (if their story ends at Giletti’s)

Media blender. For the series “the important thing is not the juice but the rejects of the news”

The triumph of “Nomadland”

All already planned for the Oscars

Julian. “Italian cinema is not in bad shape”

Recovery Plan. The speech in Parliament

Draghi appeals to “his” parties: “Accept the Plan and the reforms”

Hurry up. The thorniest laws in the Chambers by July: the PNRR traces our path for 5-10 years, the EU wants binding commitments


The “merit” of the Giallorossi and the distinction of the League

An “excellent Plan” that “confirms, strengthens and completes” the one presented by the Conte government in January. It is the former Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, who gives the line to the former Giallorossi majority, who would like to become the Ursula majority (M5s, Pd and FI), ousting the League. Draghi’s PNNR is not only fine, but it is in full continuity with […]

Room. Without voice

Hour X ends in the restaurant: the Ornament room

Does Parliament rhymes with Ornament? The plan that must relieve Italy of its illness, cure it and project it into the new world, arrived in the hands of the deputies two hours ago, around 2 pm and – with dinner being urgent – is already slipping away. In fact it is an apparition. “All together we count less than one boss […]

“Soup kitchen”

“Mister 10%” ends without a euro

Nino Caianiello. Citizenship income to the forced man accused of bribes

of Dav. Mil.

The locomotive

Lombardy now runs (and remains without AZ)

After a dramatic start, the Moratti-Bertolaso ​​vaccination campaign is running. Even too much, so much so that Lombardy has run out of AstraZeneca reserves and suspended its administration to the over 60s. In fact, vaccinations have skyrocketed for two weeks, reaching 72,552 doses / day on 24 April last. But, according to the national plan elaborated […]

Aperture. Report Merler

“You vaccinate more”. So Draghi calculated the risk

The mathematical model that recommended reopening in May after the lowering of the incidence of new Covid-19 cases “was not ignored, it was carefully evaluated together with other scientific evidence”, explain from Palazzo Chigi. It is not clear which ones. But the “pillars” on which Mario Draghi began to reopen yesterday, according to his staff, […]

of Alessandro Mantovani and Laura Margottini


No prescription and CSM: too divisive for Draghi

The knots. The text of the former minister Bonafede has been copied


Father Carlassare, targeted assault: “Enough foreigners”

A targeted attack, a real ambush was carried out immediately after midnight on Sunday by a group of armed men against the new Comboni bishop of Rumbek, in South Sudan, Father Christian Carlassare. Appointed just two months ago, the Italian Carlassare was put on the legs and although not in danger of life, he is […]


Chernobyl: a firefighter was enough

Seen from moscow. On the 35th anniversary of the nuclear disaster, the Russian series comes out

of Michela AG Iaccarino


Murdered lay volunteer. Now the prosecutors of Rome are investigating

The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Rome investigates the murder of Nadia De Munari, the Vicentine volunteer massacred with machetes on the evening of April 20, while she was in her room in the “Mamma Mia” family home in Chimbote, Peru, where she served since 1995. The file belongs to the prosecutor Sergio Colaiocco, former owner […]

On the shelf

On board the “Belgica” you can hear the music of the snow

The enchanting graphic novel by Toni Bruno: the second chapter of a saga dedicated to the ship stranded in the ice of Antarctica in the nineteenth century


An album (unpublished) and a book to play Don Antonio’s “La bella season”

Ten songs for the singer-songwriter

Book in drops

“La Spagnola” was Brazilian and struck in Paris

Influence. Term coined in 14th century Italy when the origin of diseases was attributed to the “influence” of the stars. Names. In 2015, the World Health Organization published guidelines for the names to be given to diseases: they must not contain references to specific places, people, animals or foods, nor words that could generate fears, such as “fatal” or […]

of Giorgio dell’arti

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