Murdered nurse in Chiapas; they accuse possible femicide

by time news
  • In Mexico it is estimated that around 10 femicides are committed daily and many go unpunished.
  • The victim worked as Head of Nurses at the Tapachula General Health Hospital and had more than two decades of professional experience.
  • It is not the only case of a murdered nurse because more have been reported recently.

International Women’s Day was commemorated on March 8. This is a very important date that has among its objectives to end the violence that prevails throughout the national territory. Despite the mobilizations that take place every year, the problem seems to have no end. The most recent case is that of a nurse murdered in Chiapaswhich has filled the entire health union with mourning.

Violence continues to rise throughout Mexico

One of the most important points is that there are no safe places left in our country. Both large cities and small rural areas are victims of this situation that generates anger and indignation among the population.

Regarding health professionals, in recent years they have faced severe inconveniences both inside and outside hospitals. On the one hand, since the start of the pandemic there has been a greater workload and in some places the maximum capacity has even been reached.

On the other hand, on public roads, the attacks against any person wearing a medical gown or uniform. At first it was thought that they were a source of infection and there were not a few cases in which they were sprayed with chlorine. While some establishments prohibited their entry without reason.

Another case of a nurse murdered in Mexico

However, the most recent case of a fatal assault against a health professional occurred in the municipality of Escuintla in Chiapas. According to El Universal, the victim has been identified as Lucrecia Salva Fuentes, who worked as Head of Nurses at the Tapachula General Health Hospital.

Elements of the Specialized Police and various corporations, as well as experts attached to said District Attorney’s Office, went to the scene of the events located on the dirt road that leads from the Canutillo ranch to the municipality of Escuintla, belonging to the municipality of Escuintla. What was found was the discovery of the lifeless body with an injury, apparently caused by a firearm.

According to the Chiapas State Attorney General’s Office, the investigations of this fact are carried out in strict adherence to the Protocol of Action with a Gender Perspective for the Investigation of the Crime of Femicide in the State of Chiapas.

For now, the body was transferred to the Forensic Medical Service where the practice of the law necropsy will be carried out. The objective is to determine the cause of death and obtain more test data obtained from the experts. The Chiapas Prosecutor’s Office carries out the corresponding investigations to clarify the motive for the crime and find him or those responsible for this unfortunate act.

For their part, various colleagues from the murdered nurse They have shown their sadness at what happened. Everyone agrees that Lucrecia was a person completely dedicated to her work and with a total willingness to help patients. She also had more than two decades of experience and during that time she had built an extensive career in health service.

Beyond the crime, which in itself is already unfortunate, it also causes sadness that the life of a person committed to his work has been lost. For now, violence in all senses remains at one of its highest points in our country.

Also read:

Murdered nurse causes mourning in Mexican health: She was 22 years old and recently graduated

Nurses are fired for mocking patients on TikTok: Here you can see the video

Nurse murdered in Edomex: Mourning in the health union

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