”Mali is not in a security crisis because of secularism” – Info-Matin

by time news

Thanks to a press conference he hosted in his department to announce the postponement of the referendum, the Minister of State, Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, Colonel Abdoulaye MAIGA, launched an appeal fraternal message to the leaders of the Malian League of Imams and Scholars for Islamic Solidarity (LIMAMA), inviting them to reconsider their position on the question of secularism mentioned in the Draft Constitution submitted to the Head of State on February 27th. “We have made an effort to define this principle of secularism by indicating that secularism is not against religions,” he implored.

The delivery of the Draft of the new Constitution of Mali to the Head of State, on February 27, 2023, was greeted by a wave of protest and controversy in socio-political and religious circles on certain aspects. Among the protesters of the document, the emblematic case remains that of the Malian League of Imams and Scholars for Islamic Solidarity (LIMAMA) which has already, on Tuesday March 7, 2023, called on its members to vote against the text if the term ‘ ‘secularism’ is not crossed out.
Last Friday, thanks to a press conference that he hosted in his department to announce the postponement of the referendum, the Minister of State, Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, Colonel Abdoulaye MAIGA, returned to this controversy around secularism.
“When we make an objective diagnosis of the crisis in which we find ourselves, I do not think that Mali is in a security crisis because of secularism. Concerning the draft constitution, I would like here to launch an appeal to our brothers of LIMAMA (note: Malian League of Imams and Scholars for Islamic Solidarity) which we have heard of course. The reason for setting up the Finalization Committee is precisely to find a consensus on points of divergence. Regarding secularism, when you look at the approach adopted in the Draft Constitution, obviously presented by the Coordinator of this Committee, Professor SAMAKE, on the ORTM Plateau, we have made an effort to define this principle of secularism, indicating that secularism is not against religions. I believe that, somewhere, the concern of some compatriots. Today, despite these advances, LIMAMA is still not satisfied.
I would like here to clarify, from my point of view, these two arguments.
The first argument, the principle of secularism has always existed in all the Constitution of Mali since independence. And somewhere, I believe that it is this principle of secularism which has allowed the emergence of several religious associations and movements, including LIMAMA. It’s still curious to see that the principle that favored your emergence can be fought by an association.
Especially since secularism is not at all against any religion. It was their claim, somewhere, this claim was taken into account in the Draft Constitution.
The second point, when we make an objective diagnosis of the crisis in which we are, I do not think that Mali is in a security crisis because of secularism”, said Colonel MAIGA.
Indeed, in the preamble of the Draft Constitution, it is said that Mali “Reaffirms its attachment to the republican form and the secularism of the State”
And further on, Article 32 specifies: “Secularism is not opposed to religion and beliefs. Its objective is to promote and strengthen living together based on tolerance, dialogue and mutual understanding. The State guarantees respect for all religions, beliefs, freedom of conscience and the free exercise of worship in compliance with the law”.
Despite these Constitutional guarantees cited above, in the Draft Constitution, LIMAMA declared on March 7, 2023 that ”Secularism, whose definition is variable, is a trick that rulers use at will to padlock the or religions. And that this practice was used both by the colonial power and by all the regimes of the era of independence that governed our country”.
To this end, she solemnly urged “all patriotic Muslims” to vote against the draft constitution in its current form in the referendum.

By Abdoulaye OUATTARA

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