Table tennis in virtual reality: “VR ping is great for those who have health concerns”

by time news

At 50, Sébastien Huré is the Mr. ping VR in France. He comes to clubs, nursing homes, companies or prisons to introduce this practice, which is based on the game “Eleven Table Tennis”.

How did you discover ping VR?

SEBASTIEN HURE. During the lockdown in 2020. I found myself at home, like everyone else, and started testing ping VR. It was a revelation for me. I immediately perceived all the possibilities it offered.

How much does equipment cost?

The helmet, the two controllers and the adapter cost 450 euros. With a good internet connection, you can compete with anyone on this planet. This equipment is quite simple. This can solve all the logistical problems, if you find yourself in class with an odd number of players or if you are missing a table, for example.

Isn’t ping VR just another e-sport?

No, because we are not in a video game. I speak of “e-discipline”. We play sports in the metaverse. For example, I sometimes give lessons with my helmet to two people who are in different places. Thanks to this technology, we can be in contact more easily with others. It is believed that the virtual keeps people away. It’s quite the opposite, in fact. Moreover, since I have been doing ping VR, I have progressed in English since I measure myself against foreign players.

Why did the ping VR convince you?

Because we play sports when we want, where we want, at the time we want. Sometimes I do ping VR between two meetings, whenever I have a free moment. We are no longer dependent on a room rental with schedules. And then it’s great for all people who have health concerns.

How can this help them?

I went to do ping VR initiations in nursing homes and it works very well for people with Parkinson’s disease. Thanks to the movements, they have less tremors. On the other hand, it is more complicated with patients suffering from Alzheimer’s.

And for the injured?

VR ping is inclusive. We play against men, women, young people, old people, the able-bodied, the handicapped. You can play standing or sitting. I, for example, have back pain. I would not have been able to continue the classic ping-pong. However, I have fun in the ping VR. I’m even ranked 37th in the world out of 1.5 million ranked players worldwide.

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