‘Hundred silk’ really good? Sit and talk with ‘Dr. Fang’ from V Clinic, in-depth about all issues that people often worry about.

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We found that the problem that modern people walk to consult the clinic is the top priority. “Page Adjustment” which is the root cause of the problem from a variety of factors Whether it’s about signs of aging sagging to adolescents who are concerned about Baby Fat and one of the solutions that is currently on the rise is “Hundred silk” HELLO! Beauty & Health would like to bring a beautiful doctor who specializes in thread lifting to adjust the face shape. ‘Dr. Fang – Dr. Wiphawee Wongdee’ from V Clinic Let’s talk about future problems and trends. Including solving the popular question that A hundred silk is really good?

Beauty trends in 2023 in the view of Dr. Fang

As Dr. Fang himself has been working in the beauty industry for many years. Therefore foresee the changes that have occurred in the past. and briefly analyzed for us that “For now, the new generation prefers to make themselves look good in order to increase their confidence. The age when starting to take care of yourself seriously will decrease. Teenagers or in their 20s have started to go to the clinic.”

“The current trend that is very strong and can be clearly seen that it has changed from the past is Taking care of yourself to look better in a natural way, not fake, not overly, or not being yourself until you can remember. will focus on taking care of themselves to be younger, brighter, but still fit And the popularity that wants to be beautiful like a celebrity or like that person is decreasing. Most patients would want to focus on their strengths to be unique and look better instead.”

A hundred silk is really good?

Although people have heard about the thread lifting procedure for ten years. But nowadays, there are still many patients who are afraid of thread lifting. Whether with a reputation for pain Facial treatment (Downtime) that lasts a long time and the skin is swollen and sore. Until the result is not good and worth the pain In some cases, the skin is webbed, wavy or dented at all.

Dr. Fang clarified on this issue that “In the past, the threads used for thread lifting were general threads. Also known as PDO, which is a normal suture material. to be small, short and not able to support much weight Causing to use a large amount to lift and tighten the facial skin to prevent sagging But nowadays, technology has developed a lot. Nowadays, doctors use Italian silk in the treatment of patients The material of Italian silk is PLA-CL type that is more durable than before. and has a lifting force of 17 newtons, more than traditional threads that will have a lifting force of only 6-7 newtons Which has a very good response Almost all patients said the same voice that the pain was less. and saw much better results.”

Dr. Fang – Dr. Wiphawee Wongdee from V Clinic

Why should you do thread lifting with Italian silk?

“I have to answer that first. The doctor himself has done the Italian thread as well. is to experiment with yourself Since the age of 30 years, it’s really good. If it’s not good, the doctor won’t do it for sure. The result of lifting the face, keeping the face frame and clearer skin. I like it very much, less pain than forehead injections.”

As Dr. Fang described above, Italian silk is a silk thread that has received very good feedback from patients. It is also safe and has been approved by the FDA in Thailand and abroad. by the results of lifting with Italian thread lift can replace surgery but it hurts much less no surgery no recovery able to continue living normally It can be said that it’s beautiful like a person who can’t catch it, not fake, not pontoon.

“In the past, people were afraid that thread lifting would hurt. I have to say that in the past, it was very painful, very sore, and had a lot of downtime because the threads used were general sutures that could not support much weight. Many strands must be used per one side. But for Italian silk, which is thicker, stronger, more durable and more flexible. So using only 1 line per face is enough. In addition, Italian silk is also available in 2 lengths, 12 centimeters and 23 centimeters, depending on the case how much lifting force is needed. and which areas are lifted?”

“Apart from the pain that the patient is afraid of. There will be a fear that it will become fibrous, wavy skin, and uneven skin. One of the main factors that make the doctor choose Italian silk is because Italian silk is the only type of silk that has been supported by research that can stimulate collagen production. good collagen under the skin and silk threads can disintegrate by themselves After thread lifting, you can feel that your skin is smoother, bouncier, and firmer.”

How old are you to reach a hundred?

In the past, we were familiar with the word Anti-Aging (anti-aging) or the correction of deep wrinkles and various signs of aging. But nowadays, the popular trend is Prejuvenation (Prevention of signs of aging) makes the new generation take care of themselves more seriously. Dr. Fang also confirmed that starting the procedure at the age of 20 or 30, the skin has not yet had wrinkles and signs of aging. It is an advantage that prolongs the appearance of deep wrinkles and sagging problems.

“I don’t want people to be addicted to the same memories. That you have to be very old to do thread lifting because in fact, thread lifting is a technique that can be done from the age of 30 or in some cases over the age of 20, it can already be done. Nowadays, the technique has been developed until it hurts much less. but saw much better results Now many of the doctor’s patients are more open to thread lifting. and come back more and more.”

Dr. Fang gave an example of some cases that had never been performed before. And came to consult with the doctor with concerns about face shape and signs of aging When the doctor suggests how to fix it by thread lifting along with pointing out the advantages of Italian silk Become a patient and decide to do the first procedure in life, which is a thread lift.

“Thread lifting today is not as scary as before. Much less pain good lifting Stimulate the creation of collagen under the skin. The more you do since you’re young the more advantageous because the results will be better and last longer Plus, we have accumulated more collagen as well.”

Dr. Fang – Dr. Wiphawee Wongdee

Can a person with braces get a thread?

First of all, we start by asking the doctor to explain the face shape of the braces person. In which Dr. Fang pointed out the point where most patients often come to discuss concerns that orthodontics make the face look misplaced and in some cases make it look older than their age. “People who have braces, whether young or old There will be a problem that the face shape changes. Cheeks hang down, but face looks back. make it look old This problem is caused by a modified jaw muscle. Causing nothing to support the space in different areas As a result, its face fell. There is sagging and the face looks dull and shabby.”

“A solution that works well and works in almost every case, regardless of the patient’s age. It’s a silk threading. Dr. Fang immediately cleared our doubts whether the braces could lift the thread or not. It also emphasizes that it is a case that is suitable for thread lifting. and can be done while having braces No need to wait for the braces to finish.

The technique that Dr. Fang likes to use is cheek lift and keep the front frame by using a silk thread to pull fat lumps that make the cheeks look slack go up to the point where the cheek answers This makes it possible to solve the problem of sagging cheeks and cheeks in one operation.

For anyone who is interested in adjusting the face shape to look young, natural, lifting, tightening, resolving the problem of the cheeks, wattle, and cheek grooves, and focusing on results that last for almost 2 years. The important thing is that it does not hurt. Dr. Fang recommends choosing a treatment method. Italian thread lift Because, as the doctor said, it’s really good. As for what technique will be threaded? Must go in for a doctor to evaluate before doing it

By lifting the Italian thread, the face must be designed by a doctor on a case-by-case basis. Because each person uses different techniques. The results also depend on the expertise of the doctor. If threading on the wrong layer of the skin, it may cause the skin to become wavy. You can come to consult with the doctor at V Clinic in every branch.

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