All the mathematics that must be learned in Medicine

by time news
  • Although many young people do not believe it, there are actually many subjects related to mathematics within the Bachelor of Medicine.
  • Throughout the career it is necessary to learn many formulas and risk probabilities, which implies mastering the numbers.
  • International Mathematics Day or Pi Day is commemorated every March 14.

Many of the young people who decide to study Medicine do so to care for and heal people, but there are also those who do it because they think that there is no mathematics here. The first is true but the second is a big mistake that should not be made. Numbers and formulas are an essential part of this profession and sometimes generate more than one headache during the training part.

The moment of choosing a career to study is crucial for anyone. Some have it quite clear from their childhood but others leave the choice until the last moment.

Regardless of the case, something very important is to review the curriculum of the different options and schools. But even when this process is done it seems difficult to understand that the Mathematics in a world like Medicine. That is why within the university students get many surprises.

With this in mind, the user behind the @doctormobii account, who is a doctor from Tijuana, recounted his experience in a video. In the first place he mentions that like many young people he had the idea that there were no subjects related to mathematics within the Bachelor of Medicine. It was partly one of his motivations for choosing this career because he recognizes that he has never been good with numbers.

Subjects related to mathematics

To your surprise, from the first semester you start with formulas and calculations in Anatomy. In addition, he also took Biology and chemistry although the experience was less complex because he already had the basics, apparently in middle school and high school.

In his case, he affirms that the most complicated part was in the matter of Pediatrics. Everything starts from the formulas and the risk probabilities that must be seen and which change according to the age of the infants.


Reply to @jorgecalan_ #pediatria #parati #doctormobii #doctor #medicina #medico

♬ original sound – Doctor Mobii

Despite the complications, it indicates that one of his salvations was the Harriet Lane Manual of Pediatrics. It is a basic book that he recommends for all medical students because it makes the work easier.

International Mathematics Day

Besides, International Mathematics Day or Pi Day is commemorated every March 14. It arose to celebrate the existence of a significant and well-known mathematical constant. The date chosen was the one related to number 3/14, the fourteenth day of the third month of the year, that is, March 14.

The idea of ​​celebrating it spread to various countries. In particular, in 2012 at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) the University Seminar for the Improvement of Mathematics Education was created. It brought together high school and undergraduate professors with researchers and disseminators from various university entities.

In Mexico this celebration was hardly known. Over the years, more schools and institutions from different states of the country have joined. At the end of 2019, UNESCO proposed that Pi Day become International Mathematics Day, at the initiative of the International Mathematical Union, to generate greater global awareness and strengthen the teaching of mathematical sciences, since they are essential for face challenges that arise in various fields.

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