A Russian plane collides with a US drone over the Black Sea after a “reckless” action

by time news

Air conflict between Russia and the United States. A pair of Russian army SU-27 fighters intercepted a US surveillance drone in international waters of the Black Sea. The Russian approach made it necessary to drop the device into the water. One of the two fighters collided with the drone’s propeller, although the plane was able to land on the ground.

According to the Pentagon’s version, the MQ-9 Reaper drone was on a routine mission when two Russian planes tried to intercept it, always operating in international waters. One of the aircraft, which was flying very close, repeatedly released fuel, a circumstance that caused damage to the Reaper and forced it to be withdrawn from service.

The US Air Force issued a statement accusing the Russian pilots of acting “in an environmentally damaging and unprofessional reckless manner.”


A Russian plane collides with a US drone over the Black Sea after a “reckless” action

The Pentagon fears that this type of incident will lead to “an escalation of violence”

In another statement, the Pentagon stated that “this incident demonstrates the lack of security and competence” for these operations by the Russian military. “These aggressive actions by Russian aircraft are dangerous and may lead to miscalculation and escalation of violence,” he added.

“Our MQ-9 was carrying out a routine operation in international space when it was intercepted and hit by Russian aircraft, which resulted in the total loss of the drone,” said a senior US military official. He also remarked that “this reckless conduct” nearly caused Russia to lose its two bombers.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said President Joe Biden was briefed on the incident. Until that moment, Russia had not commented. The official information agency, Tass, included information on this matter on its website.

According to US sources, this type of situation has occurred on other occasions, although this seems the most serious, and more so at a time of world tension over the war in Ukraine.

Russia blames the US for the incident

For its part, the Russian Defense Ministry has denied any contact between its Su-27 fighters and the drone that the United States had to shoot down in the Black Sea.

“As a result of a sudden maneuver at around 09:30 Moscow time, the MQ-9 unmanned aircraft entered into an uncontrolled flight with loss of altitude and collided with the surface of the water,” the Russian military statement said.

The official note also stresses that “the weapons on board the Russian fighters were not used” and that the Su-27s “did not come into contact with the aircraft and returned safely to their airfield.”

In addition, Defense assures that the MQ-9 violated the border of the airspace used provisionally by Russia in the framework of its “special military operation” in Ukraine, of which Moscow informed all interested parties at the time in accordance with international standards. . Therefore, Russian aviation was forced to send their fighters in order to identify the offender.

Since the conflict began in February of last year, the tension between Moscow and Washington has escalated. The Russian Navy de facto controls the Black Sea, blocking access for Ukrainian ships. The Pentagon assured that, despite this act of intimidation, its drones will not stop flying over that area.

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