Condom or not? This is the question: about sexually transmitted diseases in unprotected sex

by time news

Not long ago I had the opportunity to talk to a single friend who goes on dates and she told me that she encounters quite a few men who argue about putting a condom on, and those who already agree to put on complain throughout sex with claims like “I don’t feel anything”, “let’s take it off, it just makes me cum” and more . It also turns out that there are men who will completely give up on penetration when they are asked to put on a condom and settle for oral and/or manual sex only. While wondering to myself how widespread the phenomenon is, do men not understand the dangers of contracting sexually transmitted diseases through unprotected sex and where does this ease of giving up condoms come from – I decided to write the following article.

I would emphasize that the responsibility for the use of contraceptives is not only the man’s, but both parties’. A condom protects both against sexually transmitted diseases and against unwanted pregnancy and it is the responsibility of both of you to use it and not to give up your sexual health.

Not only because of an unwanted pregnancy (Photo: Reuters)

Not only because of an unwanted pregnancy (Photo: Reuters)

We will return to those who choose to give up the condom and the reason why this happens. It seems that the Israeli attitude of “it won’t happen to me” combined with a lack of awareness leads women and men to have sex without a condom, which is why I wrote this very important article. I think healthy sexuality is the first rule of self-love, so it is very important to read and understand the dangers involved in this decision. After you read if you still decide not to use a condom (I don’t believe it will happen) at least you will understand what the consequences are.

A little about sexually transmitted diseases

STDs are contagious diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse. There are over 20 sexually transmitted diseases, which can be caused by viruses, parasites or bacteria, such as: gonorrhea, herpes, AIDS, chlamydia, papilloma, trichomoniasis, vaginal fungus and more. Also, in the event that a woman is pregnant, a sexually transmitted disease may endanger both the pregnancy itself and her fetus.

Condoms (Photo: Pixabay)

Condoms (Photo: Pixabay)

What sexually transmitted diseases are there and why you don’t want to get infected with them:

I have collected some examples of sexually transmitted diseases that you really don’t want to get infected with, but there are quite a few more sexually transmitted diseases, so this is just a small sample, so that you understand how important the use of a condom is:


The disease with the most invested PR is AIDS, and there is no one who has not heard of it. AIDS is caused by the HIV virus, which can be transmitted through unprotected sex or repeated/shared use of needles. Also, the virus can be passed from a mother to a pregnant fetus. HIV attacks the immune system, causes the body to lose the ability to fight infectious diseases, damages the nervous system and may eventually cause death. There is no vaccine against AIDS, so the only way to avoid it is through prevention and protection.


A condyloma is a wart or a collection of warts on the genitals in men or women in the groin, around the anus, penis, testicles or labia. The condyloma passes through the infection of the papilloma virus during sexual intercourse. The treatment includes applying creams and more, and you can also get vaccinated against the papilloma virus. There are those who carry the virus and do not develop warts, but are contagious, so showing eyes is not enough. The use of a condom reduces the risk of condyloma infection.

Use a condom and protect yourself and your partners from sexually transmitted diseases (Photo: Pixabay)

Use a condom and protect yourself and your partners from sexually transmitted diseases (Photo: Pixabay)


Chlamydia is a very common sexually transmitted infection. There are not always symptoms, so we are not always aware that we carry the bacteria. Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics, but if the infection is not treated, it may cause inflammatory diseases, fertility problems, etc. There is no vaccine for the disease, but you can have protected sex with a condom to avoid contracting chlamydia.


Gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae (also known as gonococcus) found in the semen of the man or the vaginal secretions of the woman and is transmitted through unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex. Also, a woman can infect the fetus during pregnancy. When not treated the disease may spread and cause the treatment is antibiotics, but if not given in time it may be more complex. The only contraceptive method proven to prevent gonorrhea infection is a condom.

Condoms (Photo: ingimage ASAP)

Condoms (Photo: ingimage ASAP)

syphilis (syphilis)

A chronic venereal disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum and can cause irreversible damage. Syphilis first appears as an ulcerated lesion in the infected organ – the genital organ or the mouth, which goes away on its own and sometimes you don’t notice that it exists at all. In the shii phase, the bacterium spreads in the blood and body and may cause a variety of symptoms such as weakness, fever, sore throat, rash, digestive system disorders, various infections and more. In the third stage, which can appear up to 30 years after infection, if not treated in the initial stages, the bacterium may damage the brain, heart and more. Unprotected sex, kissing and even normal contact can cause infection with syphilis – a dangerous disease that can cause severe injuries and even significant disability. Using a condom will reduce the risk of infection, but as mentioned in the information and knowledge in the mouth or testicles may become infected. Therefore, apart from using a condom, if you have relations with many partners, it is advisable to perform a test to make sure that neither partner is a carrier of the disease.

A few more questions and answers

Is the enjoyment of sex impaired when using a condom?

It may be slightly damaged, but, first of all, today they make incredibly thin condoms that you will hardly feel. Secondly, after practice you will see that using it is easy and hardly affects your sexual pleasure. Third and no less important, today there are condoms with ribs that add pleasure, flavors and other treats that will not only not interfere but will also upgrade sex. The fourth and most important thing, even if it is a bit disturbing, what is it compared to a venereal disease and poor health or an unwanted pregnancy?!

Does the condom press? There is a solution for this too (photo: ingimage ASAP)

Does the condom press? There is a solution for this too (photo: ingimage ASAP)

But the condom presses me…

Many men complain that the condom presses, stops the blood and lowers the erection. Note that condoms have different diameters, you will find the right diameter for your penis and the problem will be solved.

Do you have a daughter or a permanent partner?

Get tested for diseases and make sure the wife is taking birth control and you are all set, but until then do me a favor and use a condom.



Limor Bandel, a Leng teacher, accompanies couples and individuals to create sexual desire and passion for years. Enter the Facebook group Waking Together for more posts on the subject.

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