Lyon wants to relax part of the anti-rodeo system, the opposition appeals to Gérard Darmanin

by time news

In Lyon, Pierre Oliver, LR mayor of the 2nd arrondissement, says he is “worried” and appeals directly to Gérald Darmanin. In a letter dated March 13 and addressed to the Minister of the Interior, the elected official denounces the desire of the city of Lyon to soften part of the anti-urban rodeo system, set up in 2019 rue Edouard-Herriot in order to limit the nuisance suffered by the exasperated residents.

Initially, traffic bans had been taken in the sector, the municipality had also installed barriers to prevent any intrusion and gradually deployed video verbalization, while reinforcing the police presence at night. In 2020, an “anti-rodeo cell” was created in close collaboration with the justice services and the Rhône prefecture. A cell which has largely “made it possible to stem the phenomena of uproar and rodeos”, thanks to “the circulation of national and municipal police officers”, “the systematic arrest of the perpetrators” identified by video surveillance cameras; the “convictions” as well as the “vehicle seizures”, underlines the city of Lyon with 20 Minutes.

More security guards at night, enhanced video reporting

In his letter, Pierre Oliver denounces “the announced suppression of the police presence at night in this area (rue Herriot Edouard)”, calling on the Minister of the Interior for help to “encourage the city of Lyon to maintain and perpetuate this device “. “I am very worried (…), both for the safety and tranquility of local residents, and in relation to the message sent to offenders”, continues the elected official.

Except that the town hall specifies that this decision does not concern police patrols, but only the deployment of security agents, mobilized to enforce the prohibitions in force, after dark.

In addition, the video verbalization will be “reinforced” on rue Edouard-Herriot, she announces, adding that she wants to put in place “a new luminous signage” in order to indicate the traffic instructions at the end of the week.

“Once this reinforcement is operational, the municipality will put an end to the human system that has been mobilized”, confirms the municipality. A decision which is however not final. “The City reserves the right to put this device back in place if necessary,” she concludes.

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