Congress: Constitution will continue debate on early elections this Tuesday, March 14

by time news

Plenary Session on February 9, 2023

The Constitution and Regulations Commission of the Congress of the Republic will resume this Tuesday, March 14, the debate on the forecast on the advancement of general elections to 2023.

The session will be held blended from the Raúl Porras Barrenechea Chamber of the Legislative Palace and through Microsoft Teams from 9:30 am.

Likewise, the commission will debate the predictamen of law that modifies articles 90 and 90-A of the Political Constitution in order to establish the renewal by halves of the members of Parliamentwith the possibility of re-election. It will also allow presidential candidates to also run as candidates for Congress.

In addition, the prediction of the law that guarantees the suitability of the public function. It accumulates, among some projects, the initiatives that propose prohibiting the nomination of candidates who have committed fraudulent crimes, terrorism, corruption, etc.

Among other issues, Congressman Juan Carlos Lizarzaburu (people force) will support his bill that proposes to strengthen the recognition of equality of citizens and constitutionally recognize the rights of Peruvians residing abroad.

For this, it is proposed to modify the Great Charter in order to establish that no one should be discriminated against due to their immigration status and that the State have as one of its primary duties the protection of Peruvians residing abroad

Likewise, legislator Alejandro Muñante (popular renewal), will support his proposal that establishes modifications to the Organic Law of Elections to strengthen the full exercise of the right to vote.

The proposal modifies article 4 of Law No. 26859 in order to include the following text: «Only by express law, in a formal and material sense, issued by the Congress of the Republic, restrictions may be established on the exercise of the right to vote.

In addition, the parliamentarian Rosangella Barbarán (people force) will support the project to modify the Regulations of Congress and incorporate an article to regulate the accumulation of bills or legislative resolutions.

Fuente: Andean Agency

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