Screening of green agents against mildew in strawberry cultivation

by time news

Commissioned by Glastuinbouw Nederland, Vertify conducted a screening study last autumn into the effectiveness of various plant protection products against mildew. In this study, chemical agents have been used as a reference to assess agents of natural origin. The trial was carried out on strawberries as a test crop.

The aim of this study was to obtain a good picture of the effectiveness of already approved, but also of some unauthorized plant protection products. Most of the resources have been deployed in accordance with the current legal regulations for use, or according to a protocol that has been agreed in advance with the producers. The test conditions were semi-optimal for the development of mildew, so that it occurred relatively late and in patches.

The first mildew spots appeared one week after infection, at the time of the fifth application. Mildew development was slow at first. It was not until 26 days after infection that powdery mildew progressed rapidly in the untreated fields to a heavy infection. All products that were applied preventively had a good control effect on mildew. A week after the last application moment, a significant control effect was seen for all products. The effectiveness was between 46 and 100%.

None of the agents used had any negative effects on crop development or crop quality. Spray residue or crop damage was observed for a single agent. More details about the research can be found in Vertify’s report ‘The effectiveness of various agents on powdery mildew in the cultivation of greenhouse crops’.

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