Stefania Bonaldi, filing requested for the mayor of Crema under investigation for the wounding of a child in kindergarten. L’Anci: “Now a law”

by time news

The Prosecutor of Cremona asked thearchiving from the accusation of negligent injury to the mayor of Crema, Stefania Bonaldi, investigated for the wounding a child in a municipal kindergarten (two fingers of his hand were crushed in a fire door). The notice of guarantee delivered to Bonaldi last June, a few days after the conviction of Chiara Hangers for the events in Piazza San Carlo in Turin, he had opened a debate on criminal liability of mayors: “Together with Stefania we are all under investigation, if the state does not change the rules we will be a civil party”, said the president of Anci (the association of Italian municipalities), the mayor of Bari Antonio Decaro. “We are not asking for immunity or impunity, we are only asking for the mayors to be freed from responsibilities that are not their own. Thus it is no longer possible to go on ”. Now pm Vittina Pinto e Davide Rocco corroborate this thesis, writing in the request for archiving – on which the investigating judge will have to rule – that “the position of guarantee held by the mayor it does not seem to be able to extend up to the protection of children in kindergarten, however managed independently“From a cooperative” solely by virtue of the sole circumstance that the Municipality of Crema was tenant of the property“.

“I was sleeping sleep very peacefully. I was confident that the end result would be this. I was serene both for the events and for my role and my responsibility. I take positive note of this development and at the same time I confess in any case that I am happy that this situation has become even a little emblematic of the type of responsibility which can be attributed to the mayors because a reflection has been opened at the national level “, Bonaldi commented to “We have said it several times: when you risk being called to answer for everything that happens in the city indiscriminately, almost as if it were a strict responsibility, it is clear that this becomes a deterrent to act and therefore condemns the administrations to immobility. Certainly it is a good sign, I hope that the legislative process to adequately regulate the issue of the liability of auditors “. Even the Anci con Decaro “greets with pleasure” the request of the prosecutors: “This story is the umpteenth demonstration that the battle we are waging for the changes to the law necessary to restore full dignity to local administrators and the possibility of administering their own community is very timely and urgent “.

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