Lilac bow day, how the symbol of the fight against eating disorders was born –

by time news
Of Silvia Turin

On March 15, the day Giulia, the 17-year-old daughter of Stefano Tavilla, president of the association I feed on life, lost her life. Since then, many steps have been taken and a Foundation was also born on the 12th National Day

The National Lilac Bow Day was officially established by decree in 2018 after a request promoted by Stefano Tavillapresident of the association I feed on life and father of Giuliaa girl who died at the age of 17 in 2011, just the March 15thfor problems related to bulimia while she was on the waiting list to enter a specialized centre.

What does the symbol mean

The Lilac Bow originates in America and has represented the fight against Eating Disorders for more than 30 years, writes Stefano Tavilla in presenting the origins of the Day: From that day, with all my strength and with the help of the association founded by me, “Mi Nutro di Vita”, I wanted a day of awareness and aggregation against DCA to be created, starting with a unique event in Genoa on March 15, 2012. Over the years, realities have joined this initiative associations from all over Italy, to make culture on DCA and fight all together, united for what has become the symbol of this Day, the Lilac Bow.

The birth of the Foundation

This year, three associations involved in eating disorders in the area and some people involved have decided together to give life, as founding members, to a new nationwide reality, the Lilla Bow Foundationwhich will be presented on Wednesday 15 March, in a meeting in Milan at the House of Psychology and at the same time in other Italian cities.
a reality that collects the experiences of the associations: Cos come sei founded by Francesca Lazzari (who lost one of her 4 children), Mi nutritto di vita chaired by Stefano Tavilla, Micaela Bozzolasco and Sebastiano Ruzza (who experienced the disease on their own skin ), Perle Onlus founded by Mariella Falsini, Simona Corridori (creator of the lilac code) and Maria Carla Martinuzzi (pediatrician).

The next goals

The objectives of the newly formed Foundation are: to certify a project of prevention for primary schools throughout the country; offer support to families and the sick with listening groups and mutual help; give concrete support and help to those suffering from eating disorders through the research, in order to identify the most appropriate and effective treatment pathways; cultivate an active comparison with the public institutions and private entities; protect the rights of patients and families with an adequate structure also through a legal support; create a supervisory body which, through the media and social networks, signal who exploits these diseases and those who suffer from them for personal or profit purposes; collaborate with Universit in order to increase the study of these pathologies; get in touch with the pharmaceutical companies to stimulate the search for ever more suitable and specific drugs.

Other initiatives

In Italy there are many other initiatives dedicated to the Day. Between these, the traditional lilac lighting of squares and monuments edited by the Association of Italian Municipalities (Anci) e Never give up onlus.
Also on the program is the documentary Vite Sottili, which tells the stories of three girls aged between 14 and 18 and their parents, inside the Bambino Ges Pediatric Hospital in Rome (March 15 at 10.40 pm on Real Time).

The numbers

In Italy, bulimia and anorexia cause more than 4,000 dead a year and in particular the latter represents the second cause of death among adolescents, after road accidents. Cases are on the rise: +40% and +50% hospitalizations. 4 million people suffer from it, more and more children (between 9 and 12 years old), and more and more males.

March 15, 2023 (change March 15, 2023 | 07:19)

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