Honduras drops Taiwan in favor of China

by time news

From our regional correspondent in Tokyo (Japan)

New diplomatic blow for Taiwan. The President of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, elected in 2022, announced on Tuesday March 14 the establishment of diplomatic relations with Beijing (People’s Republic of China), a decision which should lead to the de facto severance of ties with Taiwan (Republic of China) . Communist China, which claims sovereignty over Taiwan and says it is ready to annex it militarily, does not accept that countries can have diplomatic relations both with it and with Taipei.

It seems that this shift was inevitable

As soon as she took office, she announced her intention to immediately recognize Beijing but seemed to reconsider her position after a visit by Taiwanese Vice-President William Lai. It was not enough. The Chinese pressure was too strong. On January 1, the head of Honduran diplomacy met the Chinese vice-minister of foreign affairs, Xie Feng, on the sidelines of the inauguration ceremony of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. And on February 2, serious negotiations with China began to build a hydroelectric dam. Difficult to fight against the Chinese diplomacy of the checkbook. Beijing had already funded another dam in Honduras to the tune of $300 million, inaugurated in 2021.

Aligned with Washington, all Central American countries have for decades remained tied to Taiwan. But today, only Guatemala and Belize maintain ties with the island. Costa Rica (in 2007), Panama (2017), El Salvador (2018) and Nicaragua (2021) broke with Taipei and recognized Beijing. Now, only 13 countries diplomatically recognize Taiwan (including the Holy See), while the People’s Republic of China has exerted very strong pressure on the island’s allies since the election of its president, Tsai Ing-wen, in 2016. .

Only 13 countries now recognize Taiwan

Since then, Beijing has snatched the diplomatic recognition of eight countries from Taipei. “This is not good newsrecognizes a Taiwanese diplomat based in Europe, but our international recognition is not measured by the number of our embassies around the world. Our image as a democratic country has continued to improve in recent years. »

In fact, on the other side of the world in the Pacific, the President of the Federated States of Micronesia David Panuelo, 58, accused China on Friday March 10 of carrying out a “political battle” in his country and to resort to corruption and harassment. In an inflammatory letter addressed to Parliament, revealed by the information site The Diplomat, he openly denounced the manipulations and the harmful influence exercised by Beijing in Micronesia (100,000 inhabitants). “What about an elected official who receives an envelope full of money after a dinner at the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, or after an inauguration? »he continued.

Micronesia threatens to abandon Beijing in favor of Taiwan

The leader, who had been very vocal about the security agreements signed between China and the Solomon Islands last year, also said he was followed by “two Chinese” during a meeting in Fiji in July, saying they worked at the embassy and that one of them was later identified as a “intelligence officer” of the Chinese army.

“To be clear: I have received direct threats to my physical integrity from PRC officials acting in an official capacity”, he said again. A classic Chinese strategy in many foreign countries. In conclusion, he revealed that he had discussions with Taiwan’s foreign minister, threatening China to sever diplomatic relations with her for the benefit of Taipei.

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