The Brothers of Italy torchlight procession against the curfew. Melons: “It’s devastating”

by time news – “Brothers of Italy tonight symbolically demonstrates in front of Palazzo Chigi, against the curfew. It is an unreasonable measure, which devastates our economy, makes no sense in fighting the pandemic and clearly affects the freedom of citizens. “Thus the leader of FdI, Giorgia Meloni, on the sidelines of her party’s torchlight procession in front of Palazzo Chigi, to protest against curfew.

“We consider that it is no longer tolerable, after more than a year from the beginning of the pandemic, to continue to limit the freedom of people with acts of the government because in democratic nations it is not in the government’s willingness to decide when they can or cannot leave the house” , he added, specifying how “it seems to me that even President Draghi yesterday said freedom is not bartered for anything”.

“We are perfectly in agreement. We are here to defend freedom and to ask for serious measures against Covid, in the hope that tomorrow all the political forces will vote on the FdI agenda that calls for the abolition of the curfew”, he concluded. .


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