The warning of the ultra-orthodox parties ahead of the presentation of the president’s outline: “It is not relevant”

by time news

Vigilance in the political system: State President Yitzhak Herzog intends to present today (Wednesday) or tomorrow his outline for the legal reform, in an attempt to bridge the sharp controversy that has arisen around the promotion of the Rotman-Levin reform, which is being promoted in the Knesset.

President Yitzhak Herzog Photo: Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90

Factors in Torah Judaism: If there is no solution to our problem – it will not be promoted

Senior officials in the coalition are signaling that they are ready to compromise, even if there is no one to talk to on the other side, but the ultra-Orthodox parties insist on one clause, which will be passed sharply, the surrogacy clause that will allow the conscription law to be enacted without being invalidated.

An official in Torah Judaism tells Kippa News today: “At the end of the matter, it’s the conscription law, so giving up on the increase clause and not agreeing to an increase clause with a majority of 65 members of the Knesset is irrelevant, that’s why we repeated it every election.” Another official in the party told Kippah: “We are interested in the overcoming clause, we want a solution to the problem that the High Court rejects laws for us, that was our demand, if there is a solution to our problem, great, if not it will not be promoted.”

What will the opposition do?

The opposition parties are waiting to see what the president’s outline will include, as soon as it is published they will discuss and see if they are ready to enter into negotiations, the chairman of the Yisrael Beitenu party Avigdor Lieberman told Kipa News today: “The president deserves appreciation for his efforts, in my opinion more compromise and more patchwork is not an approach correctly.


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