“Guaranteed by the State, a sovereign fund would offer a retirement to the French without depending on demographic developments”

by time news

“Confidence is gained in drops and lost in liters. » This is a formula that the President of the Republic and his supporters could meditate on. Newspapers and media, parliamentarians and trade unions, workers and retirees, throughout society confidence in the executive has been reduced to a trickle.

And for good reason, the government first announced that no new retiree who had worked a full career at minimum wage would retire for less than 1,200 euros. The promise gave way to disillusion and a feeling of betrayal once the reality of the flagship measure was exposed: only 20,000 new retirees per year could ultimately claim it, according to the Minister of Labor.


Similarly, we have witnessed a nameless mess between ministers opposing each other on the issue of women’s pensions. Some admitted they would be disadvantaged when others turned a deaf ear. As for the criteria of hardship, the President of the Republic demonstrated the lack of consideration he had for them by removing them during his previous five-year term.

Scalded cat fears cold water ! Why should parliamentarians trust the government and its majority, when the latter have broken the bond of trust with a large part of the French?

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: “You break your back, your kidneys, your arms, everything! But it’s not considered a tedious job! »

The shift in the retirement age from 62 to 64 has heavy effects to bear for workers who get up early and from a very young age. Because it is the French who started working young who will have to endure the consequences of this reform. It is the demand for social justice, dear to General de Gaulle, that the bill flouts. This reform is nothing more than yet another « Munich social »denounced in his time by Philippe Séguin.

Our elders, whose employment rate is one of the lowest in Europe (35.5% of 60-64 year olds), are hit hard by precariousness and unemployment (a quarter of those registered are over 50 years old and they stay looking for work twice as long as young people). These future retirees, unemployed until retirement, are in fact settling in a “seat of precariousness” which will lower their income now and in the future, since these years of unemployment will not be taken into account in the calculation. of their retirement.

The stepping stone of government

Yes, the pay-as-you-go pension system is sick, especially because of the aging of the population. Arithmetic makes a reform of this system necessary. Nevertheless, let us specify that the cataclysm described by the government does not exist. All the scenarios show that the weight of pensions in the French gross domestic product (GDP) will increase at least until 2035. But the report of the Pensions Orientation Council (COR) itself does not speak of an explosion in the weight of pensions in State spending since it would drop from 13.9% of GDP today to 14.7% in 2035, according to the most pessimistic scenario.

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