Driving license: towards a law to make obtaining it “cheaper, simpler and faster”

by time news

Between the cost, the difficult to obtain exam dates and the long hours of preparation, the difficulties are great for the numerous candidates for the driving license. To overcome some of these obstacles, LREM deputy Sacha Houlié tabled a bill on Wednesday making the permit, according to him, “cheaper, simpler and faster”.

What does Sacha Houlié offer?

In his text, the deputy LREM proposes to create “a specific digital platform”, like “1 young person 1 solution”, entitled “1 young person 1 permit”. It must identify all the aid available to pay for driving training, which costs an average of 2000 euros, recalls the elected official.

Sacha Houlié also proposes to extend the use of the Personal Training Account (CPF) to permits for light motorcycles (A1), carts (B1) and heavier trailers (B96 and BE). Essential permits “for many artisans or independents”, which “constitute a pool of important jobs”, defends the elected official in his proposal. The CPF is indeed limited to certain types of license, including the B, to finance driving training as part of a professional career.

In another article, the MP also proposes to increase the number of driving license and road safety inspectors (IPCSR), by extending “in general terms the use of public or contractual agents instead of IPCSR”. The goal? Allow “the recruitment of agents in sufficient numbers to overcome the current lack of available places”.

What do the professionals think?

Main concerned, the professional organizations were received and heard this Friday at the National Assembly on this bill. “We have different positions depending on the articles and the solutions proposed”, confides to the Parisian Angélique Llopis, national secretary of theUnidec (National inter-union union of driving instructors).

If one of the main trade unions in the sector is in favor of recruiting inspectors – “there is a long-deplored shortage. We are for this system which makes it possible to balance supply and demand” – Unidec says it is “cautious” about the use of the CPF for all types of permits. “From our knowledge of the field, the motorcycle license is more linked to a leisure practice. Same question for the trailers, if it’s used to transport the boat on Sundays… We have to keep the philosophy of the CPF, which is to finance training that leads to employment,” says the union’s national secretary.

Last point which seems to be unanimous this time: the new information platform. Unidec says it is “very favorable”, as are the various driving schools contacted. “My secretaries have turned into advisers. They are there to find the methods of financing, and the assistance to which our customers are entitled. We really need greater accessibility to this information, “says a driving school manager in the Grand-Est.

Is this bill likely to pass through Parliament?

Examined by the Law Commission on Wednesday, the text proposed by Sacha Houlié was adopted unanimously. However, some questions have been raised about the training of agents who will be recruited for driving license examinations.

On the subject, Sacha Houlié promises guarantees. “People recruited for the missions of inspectors, that is to say those who go to the classrooms, who will check for fraud in the examination of the Code, who will go to the driving schools to see how the training is provided, will have to follow a six-month training course, ”he explains to the Parisian. “The contract workers, recruited only to administer the exams, will have a two-month training course. All this is already provided for in the legal and regulatory provisions. »

The deputy LREM says he is in any case confident about the adoption of this law among elected officials. “This debate did not prevent the groups from voting the proposal unanimously. I have no warning that it passes during the debate, there is no particular difficulty, ”he adds.

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