The Minister of Justice urges the members of the Board of Directors to the success of their mission

by time news

The Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals, Mr. Ikta Abdoulaye Mohamed proceeded yesterday morning within the said Ministry, to the official installation of the members of the Board of Directors of the Justice Support Fund (FAJ) followed by the opening of the first ordinary session of the said Council. The ceremony took place in the presence of the actors concerned.

During this installation, the Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals, Mr. Ikta Abdoulaye Mohamed asked the members of the Board of Directors of the Justice Support Fund for all the diligence and essential support so that the new baby which has just been born can grow quickly to face the various challenges. “These are ours because all sectors of justice have their eyes fixed on this body whose mission is to mobilize funds, execute investments at the level of courts and penitentiary establishments to the delight of our justice”, a- he declared.

Recalling the mission of FAJ members, the Minister of Justice underlined the importance of the issues they will have to discuss. “The files that have been sent to you are the fruit of intense reflection, inspired by the examples of other similar structures; they will serve as a basis for reflection. I know that any beginning is difficult, but I have no doubts about your qualities, that the challenges will be met faster than expected,” he assured.

For the Minister of Justice, the direction of FAJ, is not entitled to respite. “It is up to you to put in place a real strategy of diplomatic offensive to draw from the funds of our partners what is necessary to face your mission”. Created on October 16, 2020, the FAJ is a fund primarily intended to finance the construction, rehabilitation and equipment of courts and penitentiary establishments as well as legal and judicial assistance. The creation and operationalization of this fund is an appropriate and innovative response to increase the means of intervention of justice in order to improve accessibility and efficiency and establish a true rule of law in Niger.

Mamane Abdoulaye – The Best Of Mamane Abdoulaye

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