Do you know what slow gardening consists of? we tell you

by time news

If you enjoy gardening and you like to spend part of your free time among the plants, you may be interested in learning about “slow gardening”. We tell you what it is about.

Do you know what slow gardening consists of?  we tell you

Last update: March 15, 2023

The concept of slow gardening could be translated as “slow gardening.” However, if we say it this way, its true essence could not be appreciated, which goes beyond what can or should be done regarding the care of plants.

In this sense, it is considered that this movement or trend constitutes a whole philosophy of life, which does not have to do only with pruning, watering and transplanting. Of course, in order to transcend from one thing to the other, certain principles must be followed. Keep reading and we will tell you more about the slow gardening.

What is “slow gardening”?

He slow gardening was started by Felder Rushing, American horticulturist, who has written several books on this and related topics. In addition, she has her own blog, where she provides advice on plants and crops.

This movement is inspired by the slow food movementwith which it shares some principles, which are common to what is now called, in a general way, slow life. From this approach, it seeks to reverse or combat the natural propensity to rush, so accentuated in the Western world.

Thus, it is recommended that at all times we must give ourselves the necessary time to enjoy the things we like and be aware of who we are, where we are and what we do. And this covers the various facets of our lives, from getting dressed and slow reading, to calmly decorating the house and traveling step by step.

In the case of plants, the slow gardening It is also considered a philosophical or life approach, oriented towards the same ends. Thus, it is encouraged to put all the attention and the senses in what is done in the garden.

It is appropriate to clarify that its principles can be applied to any type of crop: large trees, flowering shrubs, vegetables, fruit plants, even on lawns and bonsai. The idea is not just to cultivate or have a garden, but to enjoy each task, respecting its periods and valuing that quality time we spend outdoors.

Therefore, in slow gardening you don’t think so much about the visual aspect or the result that will be appreciated at the end, once we finish the job. The idea is to focus on the process rather than the product.

In short, one must understand that all things take time to mature. And one of the best ways to know is to plant a seed, water it, watch it grow, little by little, every day, until it becomes a bush or a tree, big and strong.

Benefits of slow gardening

With the slow gardening movement seeks to restore or strengthen our connection with natureat the same time that it offers us the possibility of enjoying a moment of solace and the beauty of the plants.

In addition, there are other benefits attributed to slow gardening:

  • The person can grow their own vegetables and fruits. In this way, it is ensured to have organic and healthier crops, without pesticides.
  • Yard work is generally considered to bring health benefits by helping to reduce stress. More, if it is cultivated in this way, calmly.
  • Slow gardening is an activity that particularly helps us to be fully aware of what we do. In the same way, it allows us to reconnect with ourselves and with our environment.
  • Promotes sensitivity to biodiversity.
  • Teaches us to be responsible with what we do and with other living beings. In this case, the plants, insects and birds that come to the garden.
  • According to research conducted at the University of South Bohemia, slow gardening helps to reduce industrialized cultivation, as well as the use of toxic products and means of transporting food, even on a small scale.
  • In another study conducted in Sweden, the results show that the slow flower, a movement related to slow gardening, brings sustainable values. It even contributes to the local culture and landscaping.
Family production, the lower use of pesticides and the circular economy come together with the concept of slow gardening.

How to grow a slow garden?

It is important to clarify that the slow gardening it does not mean remodeling or totally changing the garden. There is no need to do something very elaborate.

A few plants, something small, could help achieve the goal: to focus on the here and now. Let’s see other tips about it

Patience is the key

These are small changes in the way work is done. Thus, The first recommendation that Felder Rushing gives in his book is not to transfer daily stress to the gardenbut to exercise patience.

Respect the times

Each crop has its ideal moment. We must know this and see how plants gradually grow. Do not try to speed up the process with fertilizers.

On the other hand, by planting different species according to each season, they will develop in a healthy way. The best thing is that we can enjoy a garden with plants that bloom throughout the year.

plant varieties

Several types of plants can be included in a slow garden:

  • ornamental plantsthat are attractive to the eye.
  • Also included species with flowers or others that are aromatic.
  • Shade trees: the size of these will depend on the garden area that we have.
  • Edible vegetables: basil, peppers, among others, that can complement our meals.

Native species

These are just right for a slow garden. Not only are they more resistant, since they are adapted to the climate, but we will avoid falling into the pressure of trying to make species that are not native to the area prosper, at any cost.

natural fertilizers

Instead of chemical products, we can prepare our own organic fertilizers. To do this, we will take advantage of the remains of fruits and vegetables, coffee, egg shells. All that is required is a wooden crate to deposit the natural waste that we generate.

Use hand tools

No electric pruners or saws or blowers for fallen leaves. In it slow gardening hand tools should be used, which are silent.

This way we will reinforce the idea that everything must be done calmly. Also, the hoe and rake will help us get a little more exercise.

Slow gardening can be a point of contact between the different generations of a family.

Wild life

A garden is even more beautiful when wildlife abounds. But to attract pollinating animals (birds, ladybugs, butterflies and bees), not only flowering plants are needed, but we can also add some food and even small spaces that serve as habitats for these species.

sustained work

The last piece of advice that Felder Rushing gives is that being slow is not being lazy. You have to work continuously although at our pace and our own capacity. The good thing is that this also implies being in the garden.

A garden for enjoyment

Carrying out slow gardening work means, among other things, do something with our own hands and that is in accordance with our own expectations and needs. In this way, there is no single rule regarding what we can include.

The only thing we must be clear about is that it is about enjoying the process, as well as the aromas and colors. We can incorporate, then, many species with flowers, as well as different elements: a bench, a fountain, a waterfall, paths, always respecting the space of the plants.

All this, together, will help us enjoy the time we are there, away from other matters. Of course, We must forget about electronic devices when we go to our garden; if not, what’s the point?

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