“Do not be afraid to neutralize a terrorist because of an investigation”

by time news

The recent attacks and tensions in Jerusalem have resurfaced the border fighters scattered around the city and in the arenas in real time. Three fighters who were involved in recent incidents in the capital told Ynet about the feelings and challenges:

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  Meg Warriors

Wear, Commandant and Malul. The Wall Guards

(Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)

Sgt. Lina Commandant has been serving for a long time in the Nablus Gate sector in Jerusalem. “Our main task is to prevent the friction between the citizens that occurs on a daily basis. Citizens go in and out of the Nablus Gate, throwing words at each other and many in between, and that includes violence. Our job is to intervene and separate them. “

Despite the previous violent clashes at the Nablus Gate, the commandant is not afraid and trusts herself. “Like any job, I have no worries. I look at fighters like the late Hadas Malka and Hadar Cohen who have sacrificed their lives to protect the citizens, and I am here for that.”

The late Malka and Cohen, who were both killed in a combined attack at the Nablus Gate a year and a half apart, are names that are often heard among young women who have decided to enlist in combat service at the border.

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Hadas Malka Hadar CohenHadas Malka Hadar Cohen

The late Hadar Cohen and Hadas Malka. “Proud that these warriors lost their lives for us”

“These are names that seep in during the service and it is a pride that these warriors lost their lives for us,” said Sgt. Rebecca Blai. We are ready and prepared for any scenario, and the terrorists should be apprehensive since there are Border Police fighters.

Blai serves as a fighter and commander in the Old Battalion of the Border Police, which is in charge of the Old City sector. “There have been a lot of incidents in the last year. Some are very shaky events like last Saturday’s attack. These are events that ignite really fast. “

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  Rebecca Blai Warrior Meg  Rebecca Blai Warrior Meg

wear. “Every morning when I get up for a shift I take into account that there may be a threat trying to hurt me”

(Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)

“Every morning when I get up for the shift I take into account that some hazard may come and try to hurt me,” Blai added. “That’s why I enlisted, for this reason. Because if I stand at the gate of Nablus and the Old City and I see an innocent person who just comes to pray, and he sees me and feels safe – I did mine and it makes me want to fight even more.”

One of the shaky incidents she went through as part of her job was the attack at the hospice junction, where two border guards were stabbed in the Old City. “I was at a lot of incidents, but it was an incident that shook me. I jumped in there and saw my two very good friends standing in the market and bleeding, it was shaky. “

Not far from both of them is Sergeant Uriel Malul, a fighter and commander in the Halamish Company of the Border Police, which is stationed in the Issawiya sector. “I serve in a problematic sector where there are a lot of riots like fireworks, Molotov cocktails and more.”

For the past year, Malul has been present at a lynching attempt by a Jew who lost control of his vehicle near the Lions Gate. “There were serious disturbances. We worked hard and threw blocks and tables at us, everything. It was challenging but we took control of the event properly.”

Malul was also involved in stopping the terrorist’s family from the attack last Saturday, in which a young ultra-Orthodox man was stabbed. “There are some concerns, but getting on guard and entering the village with poison in our eyes because we want to give security in the village, so that things do not get out of hand.”

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  Ural Malul Warrior Meg  Ural Malul Warrior Meg

Malul. “Even if I die in the service, I did it net for the country”

(Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)

Also for Malul, the late Hadas Malka and Hadar Cohen were the inspiration for the service in the position. Even if I die as part of the service, I did it net for the country. I do not see myself sitting in front of a computer in the office. It’s a role I really like, a role with poison in my eyes. “

Malul serves in the same company of Brigadier General S., the fighter who neutralized the terrorist last Saturday and gives her full backing for the conduct of the incident. “There is no more pride than how she conducted herself. I have no problem being interrogated if I were to behave like her. “

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The fighters who neutralized the terrorist from the attack at the Nablus gateThe fighters who neutralized the terrorist from the attack at the Nablus gate

I have no problem being interrogated if I were to behave like her. “

(Photo: Police spokeswoman)

“I would rather be interrogated than die because of a terrorist,” Malul added. “We don’t know if he has a charge on him or not. Sometimes they play her dead and then get up. I will not take the risk of him stabbing me.”

According to the wear and tear of the investigation did not hurt the motivation of the fighters, thanks to the backing they received from floor to floor. “Right after the incident was over everyone gave it a go, and it gave immense confidence to the fighters on the ground. A person who came to hit me should not be among the living. I will not be afraid to neutralize a terrorist because maybe an investigation will come later.”

The service in an explosive and tense sector raises quite a few challenges, and alongside them the fighters also face stigmas about serving women in combat roles. On the ground, they say, there is really no difference between them and the fighters. “We do not know when the lone threat will hit us and for that we are being taught and we are acting according to what we were educated to do, that it is fair to step on the weapon, reduce the danger and strive for contact,” Malul said. “A woman is no different from a man, especially when the commanders back us up and instruct us on how to act.”

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  Accommodation Commandant Warrior Meg  Accommodation Commandant Warrior Meg

Commandant. “Recent events have shown that warriors are equal to warriors”

(Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)

A commandant also says she has to deal with the stigmas that fighters are less equal than fighters. “We do the same job. As a woman there may be more difficulty in the physical part, for example in a fight between men it is a little harder for us because they are physically big. But if I can not take control I have pepper spray and we were taught all kinds of takeover methods. Of course fighters have to prove More themselves, but recent events have shown that female warriors are equal to male warriors. “

“We see the excellent performance of female fighters in the field, even at an event last Saturday at the Nablus Gate, where a female fighter neutralized the terrorist, and you can see there a striving for contact that is excellent,” Blai said proudly. “My warrior girlfriend neutralized a terrorist three weeks ago with her own hands. It’s really inspiring to see these fighters neutralize terrorists, not just for us, but for every woman.”


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