“Acute crisis of a military conflict averted”

by time news

The video summit of Russian President Vladimir Putin with his American counterpart Joe Biden on Tuesday was apparently factual and pragmatic. The New York Times reports that the atmosphere was constructive, with occasional jokes from both sides. Unlike other peaks, The Times admits that this time around, observers have had a hard time figuring out what really happened. The newspaper therefore reports without evaluating the respective reading of the process. Even the Russian position is presented comparatively factually. Stefan Meister, Eastern Europe expert from the German Society for Foreign Policy (DGAP), also judges the summit rather favorably. Meister told the Berliner Zeitung that Putin “got what he wanted, namely a conversation with Biden” – and can therefore record a success with the military activities. Meister regarding the recently significantly increased tensions: “It is positive that both sides are talking to each other. We have fended off the very acute crisis of a military conflict – provided it is not further stoked. “

After years of demonizing Russia with no alternative to the US neocons, there could be a cautious rapprochement in US-Russian relations despite all official reluctance. The reason is that Washington cannot use Moscow as an enemy in the dispute with China. Meister: “The West cannot ignore Russia, not even against the background of the tensions with China.” Therefore, Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor, at the subsequent press briefing, to the disappointment of some reporters, refrained from making pithy slogans, describing the problems it had with Russia undoubtedly there and said that the American side also wanted to take the path of “diplomatic solutions”.

Of course, the US president has not indicated a compromise on one of the central points. Stefan Meister: “Biden has made it clear that there will be no recognition of spheres of influence and also no restriction on where NATO troops can be.” One of Russia’s central demands is that there should be a contractual agreement about the NATO stationing so that military incidents on the Russian border can be ruled out. Here the two adversaries are only at the beginning of the negotiations. This makes progress in other areas all the more important: According to Putin, such progress has apparently been made in the area of ​​cyberattacks. Both sides should definitely refrain from covert attacks, as such attacks could unintentionally lead to a hot war.

For the time being, hardliner Victoria Nuland was unable to prevail on the US side. In the run-up to the summit, she suggested that Ukraine should activate the Javelin anti-tank missiles supplied by the US, which are still in storage. The Russians see these weapon systems as a real threat and have started to protect their tanks accordingly. DGAP expert Meister says, “the different positions in US foreign policy also have their ideological backgrounds”. Specifically, he believes the use of the Javelin is wrong: “Ukraine should not do anything that could be interpreted as a provocation. It shouldn’t add special weapons systems. ”Even if Ukraine had to“ remain vigilant ”:“ Russia will not attack Ukraine, so we can give a certain all-clear to Kiev. ”

The role of Germany is unclear after the departure of Angela Merkel. Meister: “For Merkel, the Ukraine was a personal issue. At the moment it is not yet for the new federal government. The effect that Merkel also had on Putin has not yet been achieved by the new government. “Germany must follow a course that is based on the strategy of the allies:” Germany should not deliver weapons to Ukraine, but also not prevent them. that others supply defensive weapons. ”In any case, the new federal government should“ coordinate closely with the Americans ”.

Meister does not believe that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is a real bargaining chip for the Americans in the dispute: “The end of Nord Stream 2 would permanently shatter relations between Germany and Russia.” The expert: “The pipeline should only be stopped if Russia is invading Ukraine. ”After such an invasion, it currently does not look like, as Canadian political scientist Piotr Dutkiewicz told the Russian state news agency Tass: The summit is a first step towards de-escalating a very dangerous situation in Ukraine. Now more should follow.

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