VIDEO. “It is clearly the most visible mobilization”: in Paris, the demonstrators fully behind the garbage collectors

by time news

On strike since March 7, the protest movement against the pension reform led by the garbage collectors has gained momentum. As for the railway workers or in the refineries, the garbage collectors’ strike is one that is visible. And which weighs perhaps even more in the mobilization in recent days. We went to ask the question to demonstrators in the Parisian procession this Wednesday. Most massively support the action of Parisian agents while parliamentarians are called to vote this Thursday for or against the reform.

“With us in the National Education, we can quite block things. But it’s true that we rely more on garbage collectors, along with transport trades, to make the movement stronger,” comments Nicolas, a teacher. Emma, ​​a student, is convinced of this. “Garbage collectors can really hurt the government.” Same story for Como. “The garbage collectors’ strike is clearly the most visible. “Didier, an agent at the SNCF, even hopes that this mobilization in the waste sector will be able to convince the most undecided: “It is now or never that we must generalize the strike. It is we who are going to set the limits to social regression! “, he believes. “It’s true that the garbage collectors’ strike is very publicized, notes Benoît, a switchman at the SNCF. But in reality, anyone can go on strike. There are not necessarily blocking sectors and others which are not. If everyone is on strike, that’s how we can make them bend! “, hopes the young man. According to figures from the CGT, nearly 450,000 people marched on Wednesday in the streets of the capital. They were 38,000 according to the police.

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