How do you prevent that you quickly regain your old weight after a diet?

by time news

Diets, you have them in different types and then also in different ways. Where one has a success story to tell, the other has experience with the so-called yo-yo effect. Because how difficult is it to keep off those kilos that you have lost (perhaps with pain and effort)?! Where losing weight itself is often easy to do for most people, it is all the more difficult to ultimately maintain the weight. For this article I dived into it again….the world of weight loss and diets. Because how do you prevent that you quickly regain your old weight after a diet?

What exactly is a diet?

A diet is often a temporary change in diet to lose weight or to address health problems. In addition, there may also be certain allergies and/or intolerances, as a result of which certain nutrients must be limited or avoided.

For example, a diet can focus on limiting the intake of carbohydrates, fats or calories. Diets can vary in their intensity and duration, so it is good to see what best suits your personal situation and wishes. There are many different types of diets that often come with specific guidelines and dietary restrictions.

While some diets aim to improve health and promote weight loss, some diets are unhealthy and can lead to malnutrition, dehydration, and other health problems. It is therefore important to discuss a diet (e.g. one with meal replacements) with a doctor or qualified nutritionist. This way you can be sure that the diet you choose to follow is safe and effective for your specific health condition and goals.

Healthy lifestyle in addition to the diet

In addition to focusing on a diet, it is of course always important to have a healthy lifestyle. This includes sufficient exercise (at least 1 hour a day of moderately intensive exercise such as a nice walk and at least 3 times a week muscle-strengthening activities, such as a brisk bike ride). It is also important that you get enough sleep. Most adults need about 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Also make sure you get this number of hours on non-working days to keep up the rhythm.

It is also important to drink enough water and avoid sugary drinks and of course to eat healthy food such as fruit, whole grains, vegetables, healthy fats and lean proteins (provided that they fit within your diet, of course). Also a very important one: do fun things, whether or not with family and/or friends to make life even more pleasant.

Don’t fall back into old habits after a diet

To ensure that the kilograms do not come back, it is important not to immediately fall back into old habits after you have followed a diet. Make gradual changes in your eating habits when you start reducing your diet again and make sure that it is (and remains) attainable what you want. For example, you can choose to halve the portions you serve and grab healthy snacks if you are still hungry in the evening. To increase your metabolism, the intake of sufficient proteins is always a good tip. You can find them in fish, chicken, beans, eggs and tofu.

In addition, it is still important to keep moving enough and keep eating healthy and hydrate by drinking water. If desired, keep a diary of what you eat and drink to create more awareness. This way you motivate yourself to make healthier choices. Sufficient sleep is and remains important for maintaining a healthy weight. Sleep deprivation can affect the hormones that regulate your appetite, which in turn can lead to overeating.

Image: Pexels – Andres Ayrton

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