A historic day in Antwerp: at a cost of millions of Euros, a magnificent temple was inaugurated after a procession of hundreds of children

by time news

Orthodox Antwerp this week celebrated the dedication of the magnificent and magnificent building of the “Antwerp Talmud Torah”, which was built over four years at a cost of approximately seven million euros, with the participation of the city’s rebbe and rabbis alongside governors from around the world. On the occasion of the occasion, a new name was added to the Torah Talmud – “Tafarat Yaakov” , in the name of Rabbi Yankel’a of Shefavarsk ZIA.

About 350 students, from all classes and denominations in the city, marched in a special procession through the streets of the city, from the old building towards the new and magnificent building, under heavy police security. Along with the hundreds of Shabar, the members of the institution’s management, parents, elderly Jews who shed a tear of excitement, and also the residents of the city who came to see the event, which in Antwerp’s terms is considered “historic”, in light of the fact that this is the first institution built for all the residents of the city since the year 1978 “D, then the Willrake Yeshiva was established.

The children’s procession

However, by order of the Chief Rabbinate of Pshevarsk, the procession was not accompanied by music and artificial noise, in order to avoid the ‘evil eye’. It should be noted that the institution is run under the joint presidency of the Rebbe of Feshevarsk and the Mera Datra, Gab’d of Antwerp, the Gaon Rabbi Aharon Schiff.

After the big procession, the students entered the classrooms. The benefactors walked around the building and were impressed by its beauty, when according to old residents of the city, it is the most magnificent Torah Talmud in Jewish Europe. After that, the “building education” class was held in the new hall, which is being completed these days, led by the city’s rabbis.

Education status of the building

The ‘House Consecration’ class will only be held this summer, but already now, in the “Education of the Building” class, the two certificates of recognition were distributed – to one of the greatest philanthropists, Rabbi Israel Gottlieb, and to the project manager, Rabbi Aharon Nehemiah Toiv, who for five years ran all over the world for the construction of the building. At the event, the spiritual director Rabbi Avraham Aryeh Eise, the Gabod, and Rabbi of the Vizhnitz HaGaon Rabbi Mordechai Greenfeld spoke.

On Sunday, a ‘mezuzah setting’ ceremony was held with the participation of the Rabbi Aharon Schiff, the Chief Rabbis of Mashatz, Spinka and Permishlan, members of the ‘Holders of the Religion’ Board and the rabbis of the communities in the city, and in the presence of the distinguished donors.

The entrance to Hyder

On Wednesday, the new prayer hall was dedicated with an uplifting morning prayer with the participation of the institution’s management. The esteemed donor Rabbi Yoel Wax approached before the ark, in the beit midrash named after his father “Yechal Yehuda Alexander”. After the prayer, he spoke to the students, who took it upon themselves to give him credit, not to speak in prayer for 40 days.

The contractor hands over the keys to the project manager Rabbi Toiv. Photographs: Moshe Yonatan, Daniel Binyamin

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