The countries with the most people suffering from sleep disorders

by time news
  • It is estimated that up to 8% of deaths from any cause in the world could be attributed to “poor sleep patterns”.
  • Worldwide, Italy leads the list of countries with the highest percentage of inhabitants who have trouble sleeping.
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome and snoring are the most common sleep disorders in Mexico.

The current fast-paced lifestyle, among other reasons, has generated an increase in sleep disorders. In the same way, there are various myths about this type of problem because the false belief prevails that it is a minor issue. The reality is that a person who does not get enough rest has a high probability of developing a wide range of illnesses ranging from diabetes to depression.

Although these are not the only problems because they also cause lower school and work performance, encourage work accidents and are a factor for the development of stress and Burnout syndrome that affects half of the doctors in our country.

Tips to reduce risks

Physical activity and sleep disorders such as apnea are closely intertwined. Getting an adequate amount of exercise can help with weight loss, which some research shows may reduce the severity of obstructive sleep apnea. However, there are additional benefits of exercise for obstructive sleep apnea that go beyond weight reduction, even for people at a healthy weight.

The obstructive sleep apnea It is caused by intermittent airway obstruction, and this blockage can be caused by multiple factors, one of which is lack of muscle tone in the airways. When you exercise regularly, you tone every muscle in your body, including those in your respiratory tract. This helps your airways stay open at night, when your breathing is on autopilot.

On the other hand, according to a study from the American College of Cardiology, up to 8% of deaths from any cause could be attributed to “poor sleep patterns.” According to the researchers, those who have healthier sleep habits are less likely to die prematurely.

According to data from Statista Consumer Insights, in Spain, as in Mexico, 41% of those interviewed claimed to have suffered from some sleep disorder (problems falling asleep or staying asleep, insomnia, etc.) in the 12 months prior to the survey. In Brazil, 35%, while with 26%, India is, of the countries that make up the graph, the one with the lowest percentage of respondents who claim to have sleep disorders.

The most frequent sleep disorders among Mexicans

The main disorders in the Mexican population are, first of all, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (intermittent airflow occlusion during sleep with nocturnal respiratory pauses). It is characterized by hypersomnolence during the day (a sleep disorder that is determined by excessive daytime sleepiness) and the emission of snoring.

The first is caused by some abnormality in the airway, that is, that anatomically we have a wide nose and tongue or a deviation of the nasal septum, a drooping or elongated palate, and a low uvula or uvula. When these are anatomically larger, they cause obstruction of the air passage.

Due to the position in which we sleep (mainly on our backs), these muscles go backwards and obstruct the passage of air, which generates respiratory pauses lasting 10 seconds and up to three to five minutes, accompanied by vibrations in a specific muscle of our collapsed airway, known as snoring.

Second is snoring caused by a variety of factors, such as the anatomy of the mouth and sinuses, being overweight, drinking alcohol near bedtime, nasal congestion, or sleeping on your back.

Also read:

45 percent of Mexican adults suffer from sleep disorders: UNAM

Guide with the steps to follow to combat sleep apnea

These are the most frequent sleep disorders in Mexico

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