Tania Báez: two men in her life and with the third “I will go as far as my heart takes me”

by time news

Tanía Báez was barely 21 years old when she married the father of her two daughters, Carlos Alfredo Fatule, the first great love of a life in which she also had the chance for a second love opportunity, with Francis Jiménez, and in which for one year he experiences a third (the charm?) with Gustavo G.

The love life of the television presenter and mentor of “speakers” generated interest these days in show business after she shared the announcement that at 57 she had found a new love.

Even from her own mother, Fantina Sosa, who in the publication of the information on social networks wrote: “Tania deserves love and happiness! I, as a mother, know all her efforts and the great heart that she has for her and everything she has to give… I love you daughter of the soul!

Gustavo G. is your new prince charming and whom Tania described as “impressively beautiful, noble, and above all for me it is important that he has a high sense of the value of family.”

Then he added, in an interview for “Noche de Luz” (Antena Latina): “He is a great father and like me he has lived through great processes, he has had to reinvent himself, transform himself and he has not lost his nobility.”

About remarrying, Báez confessed: “I feel like it’s the most balanced and healthy relationship I’ve ever had. and I will go as far as my heart takes me with her”.

The television presenter revealed that after her divorce and when she turned 56, She gave herself an adventure of traveling alone for 56 days, since she had planned to take several years for her, but when she met him she said: “This guy is going to be either one of my best friends or he is going to be like the love of my soul.”

“I went to Russia with Cavada, with a group of friends, but later I went to Costa Rica, Colombia, Mexico, alone,” she continued on this new journey of surprises and experiences in love.

The former host of the late television show “Hello People” also revealed that it was her two daughters, Stephanie (Techy) and Karla Fatule, who were responsible for making this new love relationship emerge, doing “things to get us together.”

Together with Carlos Alfredo

Techy and Karla did not exist when her mother was a popular figure on Dominican television, in the 80s and 90s. Since she was a child she had been the image of several commercials and at just 17 years old she hosted the program “Viva la juventud” with Felito Brenz. in 1984, and that it broadcast on Rahintel, channel 7 and 11 at the time.

For his popularity and good work in front of the cameras, their wedding in 1986 was quite an event, which was attended by personalities from social life and the press of the time.

A year after they were married, she was already the mother of her first daughter Stephanie Fatule, artistically known as Techy Fatule. Four years later, in the city of Miami, her second daughter, Karla Fatule, was born.

By then Tania and her husband lived in Miami, where Carlos Alfredo stood out as a “showman” on Hispanic television in the United States.

Upon her return to the country, the communicator works on the programs “El Show el Mediodía” and “Punto Final” and also brings the franchise of the John Casablanca talent and model agency to the Dominican Republic.

Starting in 1997, he produced and hosted the television program, the weekly magazine, “Hola Gente”, for Antena Latina, a space with which he marked a production style that still endures and is a reference in television.

In the midst of that professional growth and stuck on television, In 2004 Tania and Carlos Alfredo surprised Dominican society by confirming in a statement, sent to the press the culmination of your marriage, after 18 years together.

“We have gone through 18 years of public life together, receiving, thank God, great support and affection from you and the public. We have decided to announce publicly and in this way that we made the decision to give ourselves a space in our lives. Our separation is friendly, affection and respect prevail, and above all, the interest that in the future of this situation we can successfully fulfill the beautiful mission of continuing to be the parents that our daughters deserve,” read the statement confirming what was discussed for a few months.

Her work continued unstoppable in the world of entertainment until in 2012 Tania surprised by saying goodbye to production and also to television to specialize in a transformational speaker, creator of empowerment and leadership workshops.

Currently, she defines herself as a communication and digital business mentor for experts who want to learn how to monetize their knowledge as trainers.

a second love

After a decade dedicated to work and her daughters, Tania found love again in her fitness trainer, Francis Jimenez, with whom he married in 2012. Together with him he saw his daughters get married and saw his three grandchildren born.

In 2017, Jiménez declared his love for Tania after celebrating five years of marriage, although they already had at least seven more years of relationship. With words of gratitude and affection, he expressed himself to the communicator at a concert by Pavel Núñez, celebrated on the day of love and friendship.

In a video posted on Tania’s instagram, on that occasion (2017) both of them were seen sitting as part of the show’s audience, when Francis told his then-wife to everyone present: “My sorrows, my tears, my successes, all. It only occurred to me to tell you on this stage that you are the most important thing to me… Thank you for your company on these 12 Valentine’s Days, which I hope to celebrate in my old age like this, saying thank you for loving me and letting me love you, yours”.

However, “together forever” was not going to be possible. At the beginning of 2022 The communicator announced through a video posted on her Instagram account that she had been separated for 7 months and divorced for three months from her boyfriend of eight years and then her husband since September 23, 2012, the engineer Francis Jiménez.

Now she opens a new public chapter in the love of a couple by revealing that at 57 years of age she was in love again and that the relationship had been going on for a year, although she highlighted the discretion of the man, whom she does not believe she will expose for the moment. “out of respect for him.”

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