Alphabet of Psychology: with the w of whatsapp

by time news

The Alphabet of Psychology by Sergio García Soriano reaches the letter w and analyzes the effects that the use of such a popular application, used and known as whatsapp can cause

Abecedario de la Psicología: con la w de whatsapp Photograph of the WhatsApp application on a cell phone. EFE/ Marcelo Sayão ARCHIVE[ARCHIVO]

In this article I analyze whatsapp from psychology.

The appearance of the first mobile phones at the end of the 20th century was a milestone that changed the way we interact.

You could start conversations with people who lived in other countries or you could talk to loved ones during the same day even if you were far away.

And they went from large terminals that looked like bricks to the appearance of smaller and lighter phones.

Likewise, the 21st century led to the appearance of social networks, apps and free and instant messaging where WhatsApp is registered.

However, it is paradoxical that what connects us with those who are in other latitudes sometimes distances us from the closest relationships. .

WhatsApp, which has become essential in some continents due to its speed, can generate or promote a dependency for having information about the couple, specifically the double blue check or seeing the last connection.

And this information can lead to discussions with partners or friends. At the same time it can increase certain paranoid personality traits.

Falling in love, psychology and whatsapp

In the stage of falling in love, this system comes to reinforce the bonds of union between the couple.

However, later on, in the phases of commitment where passion has lost strength, it can become a control system capable of generating discomfort and dependency in one or both parts of the couple.

The expectation created by us when the other person is online but does not show signs of life, writing or reading to us in the usual periods or that we think are the “regulatory” ones, can cause discomfort.

This type of action can generate suspicion of deceit, jealousy or thinking that we are being treated unfairly and this also causes less concentration in the activity that we are developing.

When using whatsapp, passive-aggressive situations can occur that range from bullying to disconnection and not having face-to-face variables with tone or paralanguage systems that give meaning to the content of the message can be sources of misunderstandings.

For this reason, being hyperconnected with our relationships exclusively through WhatsApp is not the most effective channel to appreciate the complexity of the messages that we want to receive and generate.

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Sergio García receives an award from the Council of Psychologists of Madrid for his collaboration in the radio program “El Bisturí”, from EFEsalud/ Photo provided by the psychologist

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