Journalist award on the doctor-patient relationship –

by time news
Of Health editorial

The first edition of the «Alan Pampallona» prize organized by the Giancarlo Quarta Onlus Foundation is underway. First prize 8 thousand euros.

The Giancarlo Quarta Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Milan that has been studying, planning and promoting effective methods of doctor-patient relationship for about 20 years, is launching the first edition of the “Alan Pampallona” journalistic award. The Prize is dedicated to the memory of Alan Pampallona, ​​who died in September 2022 after a long illness. Director General of the Foundation, he has been involved in its activity since its establishment, with his depth of thought and his great sensitivity.
The Competition will reward journalistic works (especially reports, investigative reports and scenario articles) in Italian expressed in various media, textual, radio and television, podcast and online, which describe «innovative and effective activities aimed at developing the doctor-patient relationship within the course of care, carried out in Italy or abroad».

The target

Subject of TryingThat expires at 11.59 pm on 15 September 2023are therefore, works that present case studies and concrete projects designed to improve the doctor-patient relationship. Lucia Giudetti Quarta, President of FGQ explains: «We wanted to remember Alan through the involvement of journalists on the issues that have seen him engaged for most of his professional and human career: the importance of words, the value of empathy, good communication between Doctor and Patient as the first act of taking care. Through this Competition, in line with our mission, we intend to increase and spread the culture of a good Care Relationship to focus on the needs of the patient as a person”.

The jury

The Competition Jury is
chaired by
Ferruccio De Bortoli, President of the Corriere della Sera Foundation and the Vidas Association and is composed as follows: Marianna Aprile – journalist, radio and television presenter, writer; Valentina Di Mattei – Associate professor and clinical psychologist at San Raffaele Hospital in Milan; Alberto Giannini – director of anesthesia and pediatric resuscitation Spedali Civili of Brescia; Alessandro Milan – journalist, radio and television host, writer; Michele Oldani – psychologist and sociologist, professor of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts and Li.STA School of Milan; Paola Olgiati – journalist, deputy head of service of the Salute news agency; Pierdante Piccioni – doctor and writer, Lodi hospital; Luigi Ripamonti – head of Corriere Salute, Corriere della Sera; Mariapia Veladiano – head teacher, teacher and writer.

I premi

The Jury will award three prizes:
1st prize: € 8.000 ;

2nd prize: € 5.000;
3rd prize: € 3.000

The results will be communicated by 15 November 2023. All the methods of participation can be consulted on the Call published on the Foundation’s website on the dedicated page.

March 16, 2023 (change March 16, 2023 | 11:18 am)

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