“For Europe it is an opportunity of the century”

by time news

“We have 750 billion euros to build the EU of the future. It is the opportunity of the century for Europe, a truly historic moment”. This was stated by the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, in a video message in view of the delivery of the national recovery and resilience plans, expected by 30 April. The Commission, continues von der Leyen, “will ensure that these plans reflect our high level of ambition: we owe it to our citizens, especially the younger generations”.

Now that vaccinations against Covid-19 “are picking up speed” in Europe as well, “it is essential that our economy, hit hard by the pandemic, recover. We have just entered a crucial phase: we have 750 billion euros from our plan. Next Generation Eu, which we must invest quickly “says the president of the European Commission.

For von der Leyen, “this will allow Europe to emerge stronger from the crisis. Right now, EU governments are finalizing their national plans. And the Commission works alongside them, 24 hours a day, because we need to carefully target these. investments, to make Europe fit for the future. In the coming weeks we will translate the recovery plans into legal texts “, he concludes.

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