Pension reform: what we know about the motions of censure that must be tabled

by time news

It is therefore a new passage in force. Without a majority in the National Assembly, the government opted for the use of 49.3 to pass the pension reform project, an announcement made in an unprecedented hubbub in the hemicycle. There remains for the opposition the only possibility of a motion of censure which, if it finds a majority in the hemicycle, would bring down the government.

The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, “takes note” of the government’s commitment to responsibility for the pension reform, she said after Elisabeth Borne spoke. The text will be considered adopted, except in the event of the filing of a motion of censure by this Friday at 3:20 p.m. They should be debated on Monday. If one of them is adopted by the majority of the deputies, then the government should resign.

The boss of the National Rally group, Marine Le Pen, was the first to announce the filing of a motion of censure against the government of Elisabeth Borne, believing that she “cannot stay” at Matignon. And the former presidential candidate to denounce “a statement of total failure” for Emmanuel Macron.

The Nupes will file a motion of censure as well

The deputies of the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) should also announce a motion of censure. “I call on the LR group not to vote for or against the pension reform, but for or against the respect of our institutions”, explained on BFM TV the ecologist deputy Julien Bayou, calling on the Republican deputies to vote for their motion. . “We are working to co-sign with Liot the motion of censure”, for his part revealed the coordinator of insubordinate France, Manuel Bompard.

The President of the Republicans, Eric Ciotti, however announced that the LR group would not participate in any motion of censure in the National Assembly so as not to strike a “fatal blow to our democracy and our institutions”. Without the LRs, no motion of censure can succeed. “Each deputy remains completely free to participate in another motion of censure”, however explained the rebellious LR Aurélien Pradié, who clarified that “personally” he did not wish to “associate” his name with that of Nupes and RN.

“A vote will indeed take place”, had anticipated the head of government Élisabeth Borne, anticipating the filing of a motion of censure when the announcement of 49.3. “In a few days, I have no doubt, the government’s commitment to responsibility will be answered by one or more motions of censure. A vote will therefore take place, as it should. And it is therefore parliamentary democracy that will have the last word. »

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