Health (official data) recognizes 500 possible deaths after Covid-19 vaccination

by time news

in his in his 19th Pharmacovigilance Report on COVID-19 Vaccinesthe Spanish Medicines Agency, recognizes 500 notifications of deaths. And he continues to hide the truth by saying that he investigates those death warnings (fatal outcomes he calls them) because he does NOT.

Specifically, what the agency dependent on Health es:

Of the 14,003 notifications of adverse events considered serious received up to the data closing date, 500 had a fatal outcome«.

And then he adds the characteristic catchphrase for these occasions, as if to take the heat out of the matter:

These events cannot be considered vaccine-related simply because they are reported. In the vast majority of reported cases in which there is information on the medical history and concomitant medicationhe death can be explained by the previous clinical situation of the patient and/or other treatments that he was taking, and the causes of death are diversewithout presenting a homogeneous pattern».

Photo: Artem Podrez.

Vaccination, according to the Health Administration, does not reduce deaths for reasons other than COVID-19. For this reason, he affirms that during the vaccination campaign it is expected that the deaths for other different reasons continue to occur.

And it does so on occasions in close temporal association with the administration of the vaccine, “without this being related to the fact of having been vaccinated.”

That’s what they say save the image of these vaccines made at full speed and that are breaking all records for damage caused by vaccines.

We now also know that a graph provided by the Ministry of Health to the Liberum Associationthrough the Transparency Portal, and published by THE OBJECTIVEadmits 199 deaths and 2,326 Serious adverse effects from inoculation of 14 defective batches.

By the way, the public body in charge of ensuring our safety when we use medicines, lie again. It states the following:

The cases reported with fatal outcome are continuously evaluated by the EU medicines agencies, specifically through the evaluation of periodic reports presented by the holders of the marketing authorization (MAH) of the different vaccines”.

But it is NOT true, as from the Buffet Almodóvar & Jara we have checked on different occasions and have published under the title: The (official) concealments about the adverse effects of Covid-19 vaccines.

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