the Executive fears a new extension – Info-Matin

by time news

The Framework of Political Parties and Groups for the Return to Constitutional Order reiterated this Saturday its proposal to “suspend the holding of the referendum” postponed to a date to be set by the Independent Election Management Authority (AIGE).

In the aftermath of the conference of the Minister of State, Minister of Decentralization announcing the postponement of the referendum, the Framework of Political Parties and Groups for the Return to Constitutional Order updated on March 11 its grievances against the drafting of the new Constitution the final text of which was submitted to President Assimi GOITA.
In his statement read during his press briefing, the Executive justifies his participation in the Commission for the finalization of the Constitution despite his rejection of the process. An imbroglio at the origin of the resignation of the Jigiya Kura Platform.
“Aware that the constitution of February 25, 1992 contains some insufficiencies and that it is advisable to proceed in this respect to its grooming, the CADRE did not hesitate to answer favorably to the invitation which was made to him and thus took the decision to participate in the commission for the finalization of the draft new constitution, in accordance with its initial objective which aims for the success of the Transition in a peaceful climate and dialogue, characterized by the search for consensus and inclusiveness”, explain the leaders of this political grouping.
At the end of this process, the CADRE regrets that despite the significant contributions of its representatives, they have not succeeded in changing the course of things.
Also, the CADRE is concerned about the non-respect of the electoral timetable adopted by the Government, on June 22, 2022, in a sovereign manner and proposed to the international community.
At this rate, it is therefore to be feared a new extension of the Malian Transition with the effect of accentuating the discredit on Mali and exposing our country to probable new sanctions.
Indeed, the transition has already benefited from an extension whose date is set for March 2024 at the latest with the election of a democratic President elected with a view to the return to constitutional order interrupted in 2020 with the intervention officers in management at the top of the state.
ECOWAS, which approved the said extension, however, brandished economic sanctions, like that of January 2022, for exceeding this deadline.
Thus, to avoid this eventuality, the CADRE proposes to postpone the holding of the referendum and to put the draft of the new constitution at the disposal of the future President of the Republic who will be elected at the end of the Transition.
Clearly, the Framework asks the authorities of the Transition to purely and simply abandon the project of the new constitution and respect the timetable for the other elections.
“The abandonment of the constitutional reform project will allow the authorities of the Transition to concentrate on the proper preparation and organization of the elections on the right date”, supports the document of the Framework.
For the Executive, the electoral timetable therefore calls for being relieved of the referendum, the holding of which will objectively be such as to push back the dates chosen for the other elections and to leave the additional 24-month period for the transition.


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