“Charged with donations” – will they be issuing receipts soon?

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  2. Welt


Out of: Viktoria Krumbeck


The climate group “Last Generation” is said to have founded a non-profit association. This allows donations to be tax deductible. In this way, the state would indirectly support the climate group.

Munich – The climate group “Last Generation” wants to draw attention to climate protection and is right about some things: They stick themselves to streets, abseil from bridges and even go to prison for it. But they often bother the drivers who suffer from the sticking actions. The material costs are also high. The blockades can cost between 716 and 12,000 euros. A large part of the costs are covered by donations, which also means that the state indirectly supports the actions.

“Last generation” founds non-profit association – group benefits from state

How is the “last generation” funded? A spokeswoman for the climate group explained Merkur.de from IPPEN.MEDIA that the group is mainly financed by donations. In the past, these were donated to the Last Generation via crowdfunding campaigns or directly via the donation form on the activist group’s homepage. Further funds are said to be related to a non-profit association. That should change now. In order to be able to manage the donations better, the “last generation” founded a non-profit limited company. That has welt.de learned from an internal chat group.

Activists of the “Last Generation” are stuck on the roadway of Jahnallee in Leipzig. © Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

“Climate and environmental education for the preservation of life-saving ecosystems non-profit GmbH” is the name of the company based in Hamburg. Loud Welt-Information, this was founded in July 2022. This could be used to issue donation receipts. At the same time, the association offers the climate group the opportunity to deduct their donations from taxes. In this way, the state would indirectly participate in the activities of the climate group.

‘Last Generation’ gives insight into cost breakdown: ‘Burdened by donations’

According to the “Last Generation” transparency report, the activists received more than 900,000 euros in donations last year. However, the expenses should be 535,519 euros. In an online group session aloud Welt further information on the costs has become known. A road closure costs about 716 euros – the closure of the Berliner Ring costs 12,000 euros. The money will be spent on materials, travel expenses and accommodation. In November and December, the group is said to have received significantly more money than it was able to spend. They were “pelted with donations”.

Previously, the activist group’s funds were said to have been managed by the “Elinor Treuhand” association, which offers group accounts. The association was even funded for its project by the Ministry of Economics. The relationship between the “Last Generation” and the club was ended by Elinor, as the “Last Generation” explained in a letter. The “entrepreneurial risk” is too great for Elinor. (vk)

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