University, 8 University scientists in Padua in the Hcr list ‘among the best in the world’

by time news

They are pioneers and pioneers in their field of study and they can boast a production of highly cited articles, so much so that they rank in the 1% of the best in the world for citations by sector and year in the Web of Science. Excellent result for the University of Padua which reaches – for the first time – eight female researchers in the list of Highly Cited Researchers (Hcr) pubblicata da Clarivate Analytics, thus ranking first among Italian universities in terms of the number of Hcr researchers.

The ‘magnificent 8’ Italian researchers on the list are Maurizio Corbetta, Marco Solmi (both belonging to the Department of Neuroscience – Dns), Michelangelo Cordenonsi, Sirio Dupont, Stefano Piccolo (belonging to the Department of Molecular Medicine – Dmm), Antonella Muraro (Adjunct Professor of the School of Medicine and Surgery – Department of Dimed Medicine), Marco Sandri (Department of Biomedical Sciences – Dsb), Luca Scorrano (Department of Biology – DiBio). “The excellent result obtained represents yet another confirmation the international dimension of the research that takes place in our University ” comments Daniela Mapelli, rector of the University of Padua. “We will continue to work to be more and more una research intensive university, that is a large public and generalist University, characterized by a vast plurality of basic and applied research “ assures the Rector.

Clarivate Analytics is one of the most accredited companies in providing services based on the analysis of data and information, related to scientific and academic research. This important result certifies the quality of Padua’s scientific production worldwide, also confirmed by the placements in international rankings, including Arwu / Shanghai, which attributes a ‘weight’ of 20% to the criterion ‘number of Hcrs’ affiliated to a University or a Research Body. The eight present in the ranking are Maurizio Corbetta, Marco Solmi, Michelangelo Cordenonsi, Sirio Dupont, Stefano Piccolo, Antonella Muraro, Marco Sandri and Luca Scorrano

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