The Forces vives shun the meeting with the Prime Minister

by time news

The meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 16 at the Islamic Center of Donka between the religious, the Prime Minister and the Forces vives did not take place. For good reason, the Forces vives demand the abandonment of the proceedings against Abdoul Sacko, coordinator of the Forum of Social Forces of Guinea, arrested and then released on March 11, but he continues to be heard at the Central Directorate of Judicial Investigations of the National Gendarmerie .

While the meeting was scheduled for 2 p.m., representatives of the Forces vives were seen at the Donka Islamic center. It seems that Aliou Condé, Kalémoudou Yansané and Étienne Soropogui had gone to notify the first Imam of the Fayçal mosque, El Hadj Mamadou Saliou Camara, to reiterate their refusal to meet the Prime Minister, Bernard Goumou, as long as the prerequisite is not taken. into account.

At 2 p.m., the Prime Minister arrives at the Islamic Center of Donka, goes to the office of the Minister Secretary General of Religious Affairs. He is joined by the first Imam. More than an hour later, no member of the Forces vives. Visibly very angry, the PM indicated that it was with regret that he noted the absence of members of the Forces vives around the negotiating table. Despite everything, he reiterates his outstretched hand to political actors. “I have told our religious leaders that anytime they need me, I am there for them. I will come back, I will come back a thousand times so that we can sit around the table”.

Compared to the preliminary of the Forces vives, Bernard Goumou answers that by going to the dialogue, there should not be a preliminary. “We too have described the position of the government to the clerics. I think it’s around a table that we have to discuss all this. When you have to go into negotiation and you are already setting prerequisites, that denotes bad faith. We say that all the doors of the government, of the Primature are open. We must sit down to discuss essential issues in Guinea. We have taken the firm resolution that there will be no taboo subject. We have invited the sages and the religious to be arbiters between the government and the Forces vives. This is to say that everything the religious are going to say to the government and to the Forces vives must be accepted by both parties”.

On Monday, March 13, according to the participants in the meeting, the Prime Minister had promised to see how to solve this problem. It remains, to the great displeasure of the mediators who are the religious leaders.

Ibn Adama

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