5 ways to check your heart health Choose the one that’s right for you. Know how to reduce the risk of disease : PPTVHD36

by time news

With the lifestyle of people in today’s era that has changed from the past. Most people experience high competitive work stress. desk work with little physical movement not enough rest and eating unhealthy food More than half of people with heart disease often show no symptoms beforehand. Many people do not realize that they are dealing with heart disease. By the time the symptoms show up to realize that you have heart disease, it is often too late. How to tell for sure if you are at risk for heart disease is to see a doctor to check and make sure

Silent threat “heart disease” Who is the risk group? should check heart health prevent disease

6 signs of “heart disease” kills an average of 2 people per hour. Who is at risk?

who?…at risk of “heart disease”

  • Controllable and modifiable risk factors such as smoking, stress, not exercising Eat foods that are high in fat or salty taste. the presence of congenital diseases such as high blood pressure have high blood fat High cholesterol, diabetes, which we can change behavior. And try to control and maintain the severity of the disease to be within the standard. in the care of a doctor
  • uncontrollable risk factors and cannot be changed Genetic If a family member has a history of heart disease We have a higher risk of heart disease than the average person.
  • Age because when you get older Fat slags accumulated over a long period of time tend to increase with age. This puts the elderly at a higher risk of ischemic heart disease.
  • sex from various research shows that Coronary heart disease is more common in men than in women. This may be caused by female hormones that help control the amount of fat to an appropriate level. But in postmenopausal women, the risk of heart disease increases as well.

want to check heart health Which test to choose?

  • Check your heart performance while exercising. (EAST Exercise Stress Test) It is a method that allows doctors to detect abnormal heart function, such as difficulty breathing, chest pain. irregular heartbeat or abnormal changes in the electrocardiogram It is a test that will know the condition of the myocardial ischemia well.
  • Examine the heart with ultrasonography (ECHO Echocardiogram) It is an examination that uses sound waves to reflect back and translate into images. which will see the shape, size and function of the heart muscle and heart valves whether there is an abnormality or not Suitable for those who are panting, tired, swollen, suspected to be caused by heart disease. or people at risk
  • an electrocardiogram or (EKG Electrocardiography )It is to check whether each heart rhythm is abnormal or not. by attaching a receiver on the skin of the chest It is an examination that does not cause pain or harm and can be examined by all genders and ages.
  • Check for plaque and narrowing of the coronary arteries (CT Calcium Scoring) It examines the amount of plaque in the blood vessels using a high-speed computed tomography machine. To look at the risk of coronary heart disease in the future. Reduce the chance of sudden death from heart disease in the future.
  • Examine the arteries with computed tomography (CT)CTA Coronary CT Angiography) It is a way to check the blood vessels of the heart that there are coronary arteries – tons. or other abnormalities? The patient must be injected with a contrast medium before the examination. To help doctors accurately assess symptoms. Suitable for those who cannot be examined by a belt walk.

6 Worst Behaviors hurt one’s own heart risk of sudden heart attack

Who should get tested?

  • People over 40 years old, both men and women.
  • People with a history of diabetes hyperlipidemia or high blood pressure
  • People who like to eat food that is sweet, oily, salty
  • regular smoker Including those who are close to the person who smokes.
  • People with a family history of heart disease
  • those who do not get enough rest not sleeping well and feeling exhausted on a regular basis

no history of heart disease Yes, it’s not a risk!

There are two main causes of sudden cardiac death:

  • sudden coronary heart disease which is a rather dangerous and frightening condition Because it is a disease that does not show any symptoms that indicate to know Although the arteries are constricted by more than 50%, but if the heart can still pump blood, there will be no symptoms. causing most patients to not know that they are
  • arrhythmia Normally, the heart rate will be 60-100 beats/minute, which means that if the heart rate is lower than 60 beats/minute or higher than 100 beats/minute, it will be considered an arrhythmia. rhythm Resulting in the heart pumping less blood… lead to a heart attack!

Don’t wait for your heart to give a warning. because we can take care of our heart health from today starting from behavior modification and undergo a general health check-up and heart health every year before it’s all too late

Thank you for information from: Paolo Hospital and Phyathai Hospital

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