Pollen allergy, how to protect patients with asthma?

by time news
  • Pollen allergy is one of the most common in the world and in some cases it causes rhinitis.
  • Children are particularly vulnerable because in many cases their immune systems have not matured.
  • The incidence of diseases such as allergic asthma has doubled in the last three decades.

In terms of health, the clear benefit of living in an environment surrounded by vegetation has been proven. At the same time, the beginning of spring implies that it is the time of greatest pollination of the year and extends during the months of March and April. Therefore, these are difficult times for people who have allergy to pollen and also suffer from asthma.

Pollen has long been widely recognized by the medical community as one of the major respiratory tract irritants. Additionally, climate change has been associated with an earlier start and a longer duration of the pollination season, as well as an increase in its concentration and increased susceptibility to allergies caused by certain types of pollen.

Care for patients with asthma and pollen allergy

In Mexico City, various studies have documented that patients have greater allergic reactions to ash, oak, cypress and alder trees. According to the sampling carried out by the UNAM’s Mexican Aerobiology Network (REMA), only areas such as Chapultepec or Ciudad Universitaria have more than 15,000 ash trees. Other studies recognize that there are more than 150 pollens involved in allergic processes caused by grasses or trees.

Inhalation or contact with these aeroallergens can cause exacerbation of symptoms in patients suffering from asthma., which is known as an asthmatic attack, which is accompanied by shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing and chest tightness. These signs may be even more important in the pediatric population, considering that more than half of the cases of pediatric asthma are of the allergic type.

“Children are particularly vulnerable, considering that their organism is in the process of development and in many cases their immune system has not matured enough to tolerate all the agents in the environment,” says Dr. Said Arablin Oropeza, allergist and pediatric clinical immunologist, and medical liaison manager for Sanofi Immunology.

Increased incidence in recent times

The incidence of diseases such as allergic asthma, not only has it doubled in the last three decades, but it has been documented that more than 80% of children with asthma also present symptoms of other pathologies such as rhinitis. This alters the lives of patients in both the physical and emotional spheres.

Recent scientific advances have shown that type 2 inflammation, an exaggerated response of the immune system to allergens or external agents in the environment, can be the cause of different inflammatory diseases of allergic origin.

“Now that we have a better understanding of the influence that type 2 inflammation has on the development of asthma, specialists can support patients with precision medicine to manage patients who have asthma in its moderate to severe forms, from root, significantly improving their quality of life, especially in seasons where the presence of pollen in the air increases.

It is important to note that the objective of the treatment of patients with asthma is focused on the control of their symptoms. This involves being able to perform all activities as normal, including being able to play outdoors, even in this pollination season. This objective is possible today in all patients, thanks to technological innovation that allows us to give a specific treatment to each one of the patients.

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